SYNCHRONOUS ETHERNET PLL 8V89307 DATASHEET Revision 8 April 12, 2016 DISCLAIMER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or specifications at any time, without notice, in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product. IDT does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described other than the circuitry embodied in an IDT product. The Company makes no representations that circuitry described herein is free from patent infringement or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent, patent rights or other rights, of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY Integrated Device Technology's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems unless a specific written agreement pertaining to such intended use is executed between the manufacturer and an officer of IDT. 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any components of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. 8V39307 Datasheet Table of Contents Datasheet FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 HIGHLIGHTS.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 MAIN FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 OTHER FEATURES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 APPLICATIONS....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 1 PIN ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 2 PIN DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 10 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 RESET ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 MASTER CLOCK .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 INPUT CLOCKS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 INPUT CLOCK PRE-DIVIDER ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 INPUT CLOCK QUALITY MONITORING ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.5.1 Activity Monitoring ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.5.2 Frequency Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.6 DPLL INPUT CLOCK SELECTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.6.1 Forced Selection ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20 3.6.2 Automatic Selection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.7 SELECTED INPUT CLOCK MONITORING .................................................................................................................................................. 21 3.7.1 DPLL Locking Detection ................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Fast Loss .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Coarse Phase Loss .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Fine Phase Loss ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 Hard Limit Exceeding ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.7.2 Locking Status ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.7.3 Phase Lock Alarm .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 3.8 INPUT CLOCK SELECTION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23 3.8.1 Input Clock Validity ........................................................................................................................................................................ 23 3.8.2 Input Clock Selection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Revertive Switching .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Non-Revertive Switching .................................................................................................................................................. 23 3.8.3 Selected / Qualified Input Clocks Indication ................................................................................................................................ 23 3.9 SELECTED INPUT CLOCK STATUS VS. DPLL OPERATING MODE ....................................................................................................... 25 3.9.1 Selected Input Clock vs. DPLL Operating Mode ......................................................................................................................... 25 3.10 DPLL OPERATING MODE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27 3.10.1 DPLL Operating Mode ................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Free-Run Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Pre-Locked Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Locked Mode .................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Temp-Holdover Mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 Lost-Phase Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Holdover Mode ................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Automatic Instantaneous ............................................................................................................................... 28 Automatic Slow Averaged ............................................................................................................................. 28 Automatic Fast Averaged .............................................................................................................................. 28 Manual ........................................................................................................................................................... 28 Holdover Frequency Offset Read .................................................................................................................. 28 Pre-Locked2 Mode ........................................................................................................................................................... 28 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 3 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.11 DPLL OUTPUT .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 3.11.1 PFD Output Limit ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30 3.11.2 Frequency Offset Limit .................................................................................................................................................................. 30 3.11.3 Hitless REference Switching (HS) ................................................................................................................................................ 30 3.11.4 Phase Offset Selection .................................................................................................................................................................. 30 3.11.5 Phase Slope Limiting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30 3.11.6 Five Paths of the DPLL Outputs ................................................................................................................................................... 30 DPLL Path ........................................................................................................................................................................ 30 3.12 APLL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 3.12.1 EXTERNAL FILTER ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32 3.13 OUTPUT CLOCKS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 3.13.1 1 Pulse per Second ........................................................................................................................................................................ 33 3.14 INTERRUPT SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34 3.15 POWER SUPPLY FILTERING TECHNIQUES ............................................................................................................................................. 35 4 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................. 37 4.1 4.2 SERIAL MODE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 I2C MODE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.2.1 I2C Device Address ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40 4.2.2 I2C Bus Timing ............................................................................................................................................................................... 40 4.2.3 Supported Transactions ................................................................................................................................................................ 42 5 JTAG ................................................................................................................................................................................ 43 6 PROGRAMMING INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................... 44 6.1 6.2 6.3 REGISTER MAP ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 REGISTER DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 50 6.2.1 Global Control Registers ............................................................................................................................................................... 50 6.2.2 Interrupt Registers ......................................................................................................................................................................... 56 6.2.3 Input Clock Frequency & Priority Configuration Registers ....................................................................................................... 59 6.2.4 Input Clock Quality Monitoring Configuration & Status Registers ........................................................................................... 66 6.2.5 IDPLL Input Clock Selection Registers ........................................................................................................................................ 76 6.2.6 DPLL State Machine Control Registers ........................................................................................................................................ 79 6.2.7 DPLL & APLL Configuration Registers ........................................................................................................................................ 80 6.2.8 Output Configuration Registers .................................................................................................................................................... 92 6.2.9 Phase Offset Control Registers .................................................................................................................................................... 96 PAGE 1 REGISTERS DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 97 7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 100 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING ................................................................................................................................................................ 100 RECOMMENDED OPERATION CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 100 I/O SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 101 7.3.1 CMOS Input / Output Port ............................................................................................................................................................ 101 7.3.2 PECL / LVDS Input / Output Port ................................................................................................................................................ 102 PECL Input / Output Port ................................................................................................................................................ 102 LVDS Input / Output Port ................................................................................................................................................ 104 Single-Ended Input for Differential Input ........................................................................................................................ 105 JITTER PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................... 106 OUTPUT WANDER GENERATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 110 INPUT / OUTPUT CLOCK TIMING ............................................................................................................................................................. 111 1PPS INPUT AND OUTPUT CLOCK TIMING ............................................................................................................................................ 112 8 THERMAL MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 114 8.1 8.2 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 114 VFQFN EPAD THERMAL RELEASE PATH .............................................................................................................................................. 115 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 119 ORDERING INFORMATION................................................................................................................................................ 123 REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................................... 123 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 4 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet List of Tables Datasheet Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: Table 16: Table 17: Table 18: Table 19: Table 20: Table 21: Table 22: Table 23: Table 24: Table 25: Table 26: Table 27: Table 28: Table 29: Table 30: Table 31: Table 32: Table 33: Table 34: Table 35: Table 36: Table 37: Table 38: Table 39: Table 40: Table 41: Table 42: Table 43: Table 44: Table 45: Table 46: Table 47: Pin Description ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Pre-Divider Function .................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.5 ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Input Clock Selection for the DPLL .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.6 ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 Coarse Phase Limit Programming (the selected input clock of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz) .............................................................................. 21 Coarse Phase Limit Programming (the selected input clock of other than 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz) .......................................................... 21 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.8 ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 DPLL Operating Mode Control .................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.9 ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 Frequency Offset Control in Temp-Holdover Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Frequency Offset Control in Holdover Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Holdover Frequency Offset Read ................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.10 ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.11 ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.12 ......................................................................................................................................................... 32 APLL Approximate Loop Bandwidth Selection ............................................................................................................................................ 32 Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from DPLL Outputs ........................................................................................................................... 32 Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from APLL1 ....................................................................................................................................... 33 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.13 ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.14 ......................................................................................................................................................... 34 Microprocessor Interface ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Microprocessor Interface Pins ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Read Timing Characteristics in Serial Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 39 Write Timing Characteristics in Serial Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 39 Timing Definition for Standard Mode and Fast Mode(1) .............................................................................................................................. 41 Description of I2C Slave Interface Supported Transactions ........................................................................................................................ 42 JTAG Timing Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Register List and Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Page 1 Register List and Mapping ............................................................................................................................................................... 49 Absolute Maximum Rating ......................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Recommended Operation Conditions ........................................................................................................................................................ 100 CMOS Input Port Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................... 101 CMOS Input Port with Internal Pull-Up Resistor Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................ 101 CMOS Input Port with Internal Pull-Down Resistor Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................... 101 CMOS Output Port Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................ 101 PECL Input / Output Port Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 103 LVDS Input / Output Port Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................................................................... 104 Output Clock Jitter Generation .................................................................................................................................................................. 106 Output Clock Jitter Generation .................................................................................................................................................................. 107 Output Clock Jitter Generation .................................................................................................................................................................. 108 Output Clock Jitter Generation .................................................................................................................................................................. 109 Input/Output Clock Timing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 112 Output Clock Timing .................................................................................................................................................................................. 113 Thermal Data ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 114 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 5 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet List of Figures Datasheet Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 1. Pin Assignment (Top View) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Figure 2. Pre-Divider for An Input Clock ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 3. Input Clock Activity Monitoring ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 4. Hysteresis Frequency Monitoring ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 5. Qualified Input Clocks for Automatic Selection ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Figure 6. DPLL Selected Input Clock vs. DPLL Automatic Operating Mode ............................................................................................................... 25 Figure 7. APLL External Filter Components ................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 8. 8V89307 Power Decoupling Scheme .......................................................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 9. Serial Read Timing Diagram (CLKE Asserted Low) .................................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 10. Serial Read Timing Diagram (CLKE Asserted High) .................................................................................................................................. 38 Figure 11. Serial Write Timing Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 12. Definition of I2C Bus Timing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 13. I2C Slave Interface Supported Transactions ............................................................................................................................................. 42 Figure 14. JTAG Interface Timing Diagram ................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Figure 15. Recommended PECL Input Port Line Termination .................................................................................................................................. 102 Figure 16. Recommended PECL Output Port Line Termination ................................................................................................................................ 102 Figure 17. Recommended LVDS Input Port Line Termination .................................................................................................................................. 104 Figure 18. Recommended LVDS Output Port Line Termination ................................................................................................................................ 104 Figure 19. Example of Single-Ended Signal to Drive Differential Input ..................................................................................................................... 105 Figure 20. MTIE Output Wander Generation ............................................................................................................................................................. 110 Figure 21. TDEV Output Wander Generation ............................................................................................................................................................ 110 Figure 22. Input / Output Clock Timing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 111 Figure 23. 1PPS Input and Output Clock Timing ....................................................................................................................................................... 112 Figure 24. assembly for Expose Pad thermal Release Path (Side View) .................................................................................................................. 115 Figure 25. 72-Pin QFN Package Dimensions (a) (in Millimeters) .............................................................................................................................. 119 Figure 26. 72-Pin QFN Package Dimensions (b) (in Millimeters) .............................................................................................................................. 120 Figure 27. 72-Pin QFN Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 121 Figure 28. Package Notes ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 122 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Synchronous Ethernet PLL Datasheet FEATURES * HIGHLIGHTS * * * * * Features 15 mHz to 560 Hz bandwidth Provides node clock for ITU-T G.8261/G.8262 Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) Supports GR-253-CORE (OC-192) and ITU-T G.813 (STM-64) jitter generation requirements Provides clocks for 1 Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications * * MAIN FEATURES * * * * * * Provides an integrated single-chip solution for Synchronous Equipment Timing Source, including Stratum 3, 4E, 4, SMC, EEC-Option 1 and EEC-Option 2 Clocks Supports 1PPS input and output Employs PLL architecture to feature excellent jitter performance and minimize the number of external components Supports programmable DPLL bandwidth (15 mHz to 560 Hz) and damping factor (1.2 to 20 in 5 steps) Supports 1.1X10-5 ppm absolute holdover accuracy and 4.4X10-8 ppm instantaneous holdover accuracy Provides 2 differential output clocks whose frequencies cover from 1Hz (1PPS) to 644.53125 MHz * Includes 25 MHz, 125 MHz and 156.25 MHz for CMOS outputs * Includes 25.78125 MHz, 128.90625 MHz and 161.1328125 MHz for CMOS outputs * Includes 25 MHz, 125 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 312.5 MHz and 625 MHz for differential outputs * Includes 25.78125 MHz, 128.90625 MHz, 161.1328125 MHz, 322.265625 MHz and 644.53125 MHz for differential outputs Input Selector Input IN1 Input Pre-Divider Priority IN2 Input Pre-Divider Priority IN3 Input Pre-Divider Priority DPLL * * * * Provides 1 single ended output clock whose frequencies cover from 1 Hz (1PPS) to 156.25 MHz Provides 2 differential input clocks whose frequency cover from 1 Hz (1PPS) to 625 MHz * Includes 25 MHz, 125 MHz and 156.25 MHz for CMOS inputs * Includes 25 MHz, 125 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 312.5 MHz and 625 MHz for differential inputs Provides 1 single ended input clock whose frequencies cover from 1 Hz (1PPS) to 156.25 MHz Supports Forced or Automatic operating mode switch controlled by an internal state machine Automatic state machine supports Free- Run, Locked and Holdover Supports manual and automatic selected input clock switch Supports automatic hitless selected input clock switch on clock failure Supports Telcordia GR-1244-CORE, Telcordia GR-253-CORE, ITU-T G.812, ITU-T G.8262, ITU-T G.813 and ITU-T G.783 recommendations OTHER FEATURES * * * * Microprocessor interface modes: I2C and Serial IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan Single 3.3 V operation with 5 V tolerant CMOS I/Os 72-pin QFN package, green package options available APPLICATIONS * * * * * * APLL MUX 1 Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet Synchronous Ethernet equipment Core and access IP switches / routers Gigabit and terabit IP switches / routers IP and ATM core switches and access equipment Broadband and multi-service access equipment OUT1 MUX Divider OUT1 OUT2 MUX Divider OUT2_POS OUT2_NEG OUT3 MUX Divider OUT3_POS OUT3_NEG APLL Monitors Microprocessor Interface Output APLL JTAG OSCI Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 7 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DESCRIPTION mode is, the DPLL gives a stable performance without being affected by operating conditions or silicon process variations. The 8V89307 is an integrated solution for the Synchronous Equipment Timing Source supporting EEC-Option1, EEC-Option2 clocks in Synchronous Ethernet equipment. The device provides programmable DPLL bandwidths: 15 mHz to 560 Hz and damping factors: 1.2 to 20 in 5 steps. Different settings cover all clock synchronization requirements. The device has a high quality DPLL to provide system clocks for node timing synchronization within a Synchronous Ethernet network. It also integrates an APLL for better jitter performance. A stable oscillator is required for the master clock in different applications. The master clock is used as a reference clock for all the internal circuits in the device. It can be calibrated within 741 ppm. An input clock is automatically or manually selected. It supports three primary operating modes: Free-Run, Locked and Holdover. In Free-Run mode, the DPLL refers to the master clock. In Locked mode, the DPLL locks to the selected input clock. In Holdover mode, the DPLL resorts to the frequency data acquired in Locked mode. Whatever the operating (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All the read/write registers are accessed through a microprocessor interface. The device supports Serial and I2C interfaces. 8 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IC NC IC IC IC NC VSSD2 VDDD2 NC NC OUT1 VDDD1 VSSD1 SDO/I2C_SDA TDI TDO TCK RST 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 PIN ASSIGNMENT VSSA 1 54 SCLK/I2C_SCL IC 2 53 I2C_AD2 VSSA1 3 52 I2C_AD1 VDDA1 4 51 CS/I2C_AD0 INT_REQ 5 50 SDI OSCI 6 49 CLKE VSSA2 7 48 TMS VDDA2 8 8V89307 47 VSSD1 IDT8V89307 44 TRST VDDA4 12 43 VDDD1 NC 13 42 NC VDDA5 14 41 NC VSSA5 15 40 NC VC0 16 39 NC VSS_DIFF 17 38 NC VDD_DIFF 18 37 VDDD1 35 36 IC IN1_NEG VSSD1 30 IN1_POS 34 29 VDD_DIFF3 33 28 VSS_DIFF3 NC 27 OUT3_NEG IN3 26 OUT3_POS 32 25 OUT2_NEG 31 24 IN2_POS 23 OUT2_POS IN2_NEG 22 46 VDDD1 VDD_DIFF2 VSS_DIFF2 11 21 45 MPU_MODE VSSA4 20 10 NC 9 VSSA3 19 VDDA3 NC 1 Figure 1. Pin Assignment (Top View) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 9 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 2 PIN DESCRIPTION Table 1: Pin Description Name Pin No. I/O Description 1, 2 Type Global Control Signal OSCI 6 I CMOS OSCI: Crystal Oscillator Master Clock A nominal 12.8000 MHz clock provided by a crystal oscillator is input on this pin. It is the master clock for the device. RST 55 I pull-up CMOS RST: Reset A low pulse of at least 50 s on this pin resets the device. After this pin is high, the device will still be held in reset state for 500 ms (typical). Input Clock IN1_POS 29 IN1_NEG 30 IN2_POS 31 IN2_NEG 32 IN3 34 IN1_POS / IN1_NEG: Positive / Negative Input Clock 1 A 1PPS, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, N x 8 kHz 3, 1.544 MHz (SONET) / 2.048 MHz (SDH), 6.25 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 10 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 622.08 MHz or 625 MHz clock is differentially I PECL/LVDS input on this pair of pins. Whether the clock signal is PECL or LVDS is automatically detected. Single-ended input for differential input is also supported. Refer to Chapter SingleEnded Input for Differential Input. IN2_POS / IN2_NEG: Positive / Negative Input Clock 2 A 1PPS, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, N x 8 kHz 3, 1.544 MHz (SONET) / 2.048 MHz (SDH), 6.25 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 10 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 622.08 MHz or 625 MHz clock is differentially I PECL/LVDS input on this pair of pins. Whether the clock signal is PECL or LVDS is automatically detected. Single-ended input for differential input is also supported. Refer to Chapter SingleEnded Input for Differential Input. IN3: Input Clock 3 I A 1PPS, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, N x 8 kHz 3, 1.544 MHz (SONET) / 2.048 MHz (SDH), 6.25 MHz, 6.48 CMOS pull-down MHz, 10 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz or 156.25 MHz clock is input on this pin. Output Clock OUT1 62 OUT2_POS 23 OUT2_NEG 24 OUT3_POS 25 OUT3_NEG 26 VC0 16 O O O (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. O OUT1: Output Clock 1 A 1PPS, 400 Hz, 2 kHz, 8 kHz, 64 kHz, N x E1 4, N x T1 5, N x 13.0 MHz 6, N x 3.84 MHz 7, CMOS 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz, E3, T3, 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 25MHz, 25.78125 MHz, 125 MHz, 128.90625 MHz, 155.52 MHz or 156.25 MHz or 161.1328125 MHz clock is output on these pins. OUT2_POS / OUT2_NEG: Positive / Negative Output Clock 2 A 1PPS, 400 Hz, 2 kHz, 8 kHz, 64 kHz, N x E1 4, N x T1 5, N x 13.0 MHz 6, N x 3.84 MHz 7, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 25 MHz, E3, T3, 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, PECL/LVDS 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 125 MHz, 128.90625 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 161.1328125MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 322.265625 MHz, 622.08 MHz, 625 MHz or 644.53125 MHz clock is differentially output on this pin pair. OUT3_POS / OUT3_NEG: Positive / Negative Output Clock 3 A 1PPS, 400 Hz, 2 kHz, 8 kHz, 64 kHz, N x E1 4, N x T1 5, N x 13.0 MHz 6, N x 3.84 MHz 7, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 25 MHz, E3, T3, 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, PECL/LVDS 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 125 MHz, 128.90625 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 161.1328125 MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 322.265625 MHz, 622.08 MHz, 625 MHz or 644.53125 MHz clock is differentially output on this pin pair. VC0: APLL VC Output Analog External RC filter See "APLL" on page 32 for details. 10 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 1: Pin Description (Continued) Name Pin No. I/O Description 1, 2 Type Microprocessor Interface CS / I2C_AD0 51 I/O pull-up CMOS INT_REQ 5 O CMOS MPU_MODE 45 I pull-down CMOS CLKE 49 I/O pull-down CMOS SDI SDO / I2C_SDA 50 59 I/O pull-down I/O pull-down CMOS CMOS I2C_AD1 52 I pull-up CMOS I2C_AD2 53 I pull-up CMOS SCLK / I2C_SCL 54 I pull-down CMOS CS: Chip Selection In Serial mode, this pin is an input.A transition from high to low must occur on this pin for each read or write operation and this pin should remain low until the operation is over. I2C_AD0: Device Address Bit 0 In I2C mode, I2C_AD[2:0] pins are the address bus of the microprocessor interface. INT_REQ: Interrupt Request This pin is used as an interrupt request. The output characteristics are determined by the HZ_EN bit (b1, 0CH) and the INT_POL bit (b0, 0CH). MPU_MODE: Microprocessor Interface Mode Selection The device supports 2 microprocessor interface modes: I2C and Serial. During reset, these pins determine the default value of the MPU_SEL_CNFG[0] bit(b0, 7FH) as follows: 0: I2C mode 1: Serial mode After reset, these pins are general purpose inputs. The microprocessor interface mode is selected by the MPU_SEL_CNFG[0] bits (b0, 7FH). After reset de-assertion, wait 10 s for the mode to be active. The value of this pin is always reflected by the MPU_PIN_STS[0] bits (b0, 02H). CLKE: SCLK Active Edge Selection In Serial mode, this pin is an input, it selects the active edge of SCLK to update the SDO: High - The falling edge; Low - The rising edge. See Table 25 for details. SDI: Serial Data Input In Serial mode, this pin is used as the serial data input. Address and data on this pin are serially clocked into the device on the rising edge of SCLK. See Table 25 for details. SDO: Serial Data Output In Serial mode, this pin is used as the serial data output. Data on this pin is serially clocked out of the device on the active edge of SCLK. I2C_SDA: Serial Data Input/Output In I2C mode, this pin is used as the input/output for the serial data. I2C_AD1: Device Address Bit 1 In I2C mode, I2C_AD[2:0] pins are the address bus of the microprocessor interface. In Serial mode, this pin should be connected to ground. I2C_AD2: Device Address Bit 2 In I2C mode, I2C_AD[2:0] pins are the address bus of the microprocessor interface. In Serial mode, this pin should be connected to ground. SCLK: Shift Clock In Serial mode, a shift clock is input on this pin. Data on SDI is sampled by the device on the rising edge of SCLK. Data on SDO is updated on the active edge of SCLK. The active edge is determined by the CLKE. I2C_SCL: Serial Clock Line In I2C mode, the serial clock is input on this pin. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 11 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 1: Pin Description (Continued) Name Pin No. I/O Description 1, 2 Type JTAG (per IEEE 1149.1) TRST 44 I pull-down CMOS TMS 48 I pull-up CMOS TCK 56 I pull-down CMOS TDI 58 I pull-up CMOS TDO 57 O CMOS TRST: JTAG Test Reset (Active Low) A low signal on this pin resets the JTAG test port. This pin should be connected to ground when JTAG is not used. TMS: JTAG Test Mode Select The signal on this pin controls the JTAG test performance and is sampled on the rising edge of TCK. TCK: JTAG Test Clock The clock for the JTAG test is input on this pin. TDI and TMS are sampled on the rising edge of TCK and TDO is updated on the falling edge of TCK. If TCK is idle at a low level, all stored-state devices contained in the test logic will indefinitely retain their state. TDI: JTAG Test Data Input The test data are input on this pin. They are clocked into the device on the rising edge of TCK. TDO: JTAG Test Data Output The test data are output on this pin. They are clocked out of the device on the falling edge of TCK. TDO pin outputs a high impedance signal except during the process of data scanning. This pin can indicate the interrupt of DPLL selected input clock fail, as determined by the LOS_FLAG_ON_TDO bit (b6, 0BH). Refer to Chapter 3.8.1 Input Clock Validity for details. Power & Ground VDDD1 VDDD2 VDD_DIFF VDD_DIFF3 VDD_DIFF2 VSSD1 VSSD2 VSS_DIFF VSS_DIFF3 VSS_DIFF2 VSSA VSSA1 37,43, 46, 61 65 18 28 22 36, 47, 60 66 17 27 21 1 3 VSSA2 7 VSSA3 10 VSSA4 11 VSSA5 VDDA1 15 4 VDDA2 8 VDDA3 9 VDDA4 12 VDDA5 14 Power Power Power Power Power Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground - Ground - VDDD1: Digital Core Power. VDDD2: CMOS CLK Output Power VDD_DIFF: Differential I/O Power Supply VDD_DIFF3: Differential I/O Power Supply VDD_DIFF2: Differential I/O Power Supply VSSD1: Digital Core Ground VSSD2: CMOS CLK Output Ground VSS_DIFF: Differential I/O Ground VSS_DIFF3: Differential I/O Ground VSS_DIFF2: Differential I/O Ground VSSA: Common Ground VSSAn: APLL Ground VDDAn: APLL Power Power (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. - 12 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 1: Pin Description (Continued) Name Pin No. I/O Description 1, 2 Type Others IC 72 - - IC 2, 35, 68, 69, 70 - - NC 13, 19, 20, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 63, 64, 67, 71 - - IC: Internal Connected Internal Use. These pins should be connected to ground for normal operation. IC: Internal Connected Internal Use. These pins should be left open for normal operation. NC: Not Connected These pins are not connected Note: 1. All the unused input pins should be connected to ground; the output of all the unused output pins are don't-care. 2. The contents in the brackets indicate the position of the register bit/bits. 3. N x 8 kHz: 1 < N < 19440. 4. N x E1: N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 5. N x T1: N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 6. N x 13.0 MHz: N = 1, 2 7. N x 3.84 MHz: N = 1, 2, 4, 8 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 13 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3.2 3.1 RESET A nominal 12.8000 MHz clock, provided by a crystal oscillator, is input on the OSCI pin. This clock is provided for the device as a master clock. The master clock is used as a reference clock for all the internal circuits. A better active edge of the master clock is selected by the OSC_EDGE bit to improve jitter and wander performance. The reset operation resets all registers and state machines to their default value or status. After power on, the device must be reset for normal operation. MASTER CLOCK In fact, an offset from the nominal frequency may be input on the OSCI pin. This offset can be compensated by setting the NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:0] bits. The calibration range is within 741 ppm. For a complete reset, the RST pin must be asserted low for at least 50 s. After the RST pin is pulled high, the device will still be in reset state for 250 ms (typical). If the RST pin is held low continuously, the device remains in reset state. The crystal oscillator should be chosen accordingly to meet GR1244-CORE, GR-253-CORE, ITU-T G.8262, ITU-T G.812 and ITU-T G.813. Table 2: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.2 Bit Register Address (Hex) NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:0] OSC_EDGE NOMINAL_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG, NOMINAL_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG, NOMINAL_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG DIFFERENTIAL_IN_OUT_OSCI_CNFG 06, 05, 04 0A (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 14 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.3 INPUT CLOCKS FREQ[3:0] bits should be set to match the input frequency. The input clock can be inverted, as determine by the IN_2K_4K_8K_INV bit. The device provide 3 input clock ports and supports the following types of input: * PECL/LVDS * CMOS The HF Divider, which is only available for IN1 and IN2, should be used when the input clock is higher than () 155.52 MHz. The input clock can be divided by 4, 5 or can bypass the HF Divider, as determined by the IN1_DIV[1:0]/IN2_DIV[1:0] bits correspondingly. The 8V89307 supports Telecom and Ethernet frequencies from 1PPS up to 625 MHz. It supports 1PPS, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, N x 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz (SONET) / 2.048 MHz (SDH), 6.25 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 10 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 125 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 156.25 MHz, 311.04 MHz, 312.5 MHz, 622.08 MHz and 625 MHz frequencies. Either the DivN Divider or the Lock 8k Divider can be used or both can be bypassed, as determined by the DIRECT_DIV bit and the LOCK_8K bit. When the DivN Divider is used for INn (1 n 3), the division factor setting should observe the following order: 1. Select an input clock by the PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] bits; 2. Write the lower eight bits of the division factor to the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[7:0] bits; 3. Write the higher eight bits of the division factor to the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8] bits. IN3 supports CMOS input signal only. IN1 and IN2 support PECL/LVDS input signal and automatically detect whether the signal is PECL or LVDS. To lock to 10 MHz then first set 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL[1:0] to GPS mode in DPLL & APLL Path Configuration Register, address 55H. 8V89307 supports single-ended input for differential input. 3.4 Once the division factor is set for the input clock selected by the PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] bits, it is valid until a different division factor is set for the same input clock. The division factor is calculated as follows: INPUT CLOCK PRE-DIVIDER Each input clock is assigned an internal Pre-Divider. The Pre-Divider is used to divide the clock frequency down to the internal DPLL's required input frequency, which is no more than 38.88 MHz. Division Factor = (the frequency of the clock input to the DivN Divider / the frequency of the DPLL required clock set by the IN_FREQ[3:0] bits) - 1 For IN1 ~ IN3, the DPLL required frequency is set by the corresponding IN_FREQ[3:0] bits. The DivN Divider can only divide the input clock whose frequency is less than or equal to () 155.52 MHz. Each Pre-Divider consists of a DivN Divider and a Lock 8k Divider,. IN1 and IN2 also include a HF (High Frequency) Divider. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the pre-dividers for an input clock and Table 3 shows the Pre-Divider Functions. The Pre-Divider configuration and the division factor setting depend on the input clock on one of the IN1 ~ IN3 pins and the DPLL required clock. Here is an example: The input clock on the IN2 pin is 622.08 MHz; the DPLL required clock is 6.48 MHz by programming the IN_FREQ[3:0] bits of register IN2 to `0010'. Do the following step by step to divide the input clock: 1. Use the HF Divider to divide the clock down to 155.52 MHz: 622.08 / 155.52 = 4, so set the IN2_DIV[1:0] bits to `01'; 2. Use the DivN Divider to divide the clock down to 6.48 MHz: Set the PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] bits to `0110'; Set the DIRECT_DIV bit in Register IN2_CNFG to `1' and the LOCK_8K bit in Register IN2_CNFG to `0'; 155.52 / 6.48 = 24; 24 - 1 = 23, so set the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:0] bits to `10111'. When the Lock 8k Divider is used, the input clock is divided down to 8 kHz internally; the PRE_DIVN_VALUE [14:0] bits are not required. Lock 8k Divider can be used for 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz or 38.88 MHz input clock frequency and the corresponding IN_FREQ[3:0] bits should be set to match the input frequency. For 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz input clock frequency only, the Pre-Divider should be bypassed by setting IN1_DIV[1:0] bits / IN2_DIV[1:0] bits = 0, DIRECT_DIV bit = 0, and LOCK_8K bit = 0. The corresponding IN_- (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 15 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Pre-Divider LOCK_8K bit DIRECT_DIV bit IN1_DIV[1:0] bits / IN2_DIV[1:0] bits 00 Input Clock INn (1 < n < 3) HF Divider (for IN1 & IN2 only) 1 Lock 8k Divider 10 DPLL clock 0 DivN Divider 1=<N=<19440 01 Figure 2. Pre-Divider for An Input Clock Table 3: Pre-Divider Function Pre-Divider Input Clock INn Frequency HF- Divider2 >155.52 MHz Divider Bypassed 1 Hz, 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 6.25 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 10 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz or 38.88 MHz Lock 8K Divider 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz or 38.88 MHz Control Register IN1_DIV[1:0] IN2_DIV[1:0] IN_FREQ[3:0] - set to match input Clock INn frequency. LOCK_8K= 0'b; DIRECT_DIV= 0'b (Bypass Dividers) IN_FREQ[3:0] - set to match input Clock INn frequency. LOCK_8K= 1'b; DIRECT_DIV= 0'b (select Lock 8k Divider) LOCK_8K= 0'b; DIRECT_DIV= 1'b (select DivN Divider) IN_FREQ[3:0] - set to the DPLL required frequency. (`0000': 8 kHz (default)) Nx8kHz (1 N 19440) PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:0] DivN Example: 25 MHz = 3125 x 8 kHz Example: 25 MHz = 3125 x 8kHz Division Factor = 3125 -1= 3124 Dec (or 0C34h) PRE_DIVN_VALUE[7:0]= 34h PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8]= 0Ch Register/ Address1 IN1_IN2_HF_DIV_CNFG (18) IN1_CNFG ~ IN3_CNFG (16, 19, 1A) IN1_CNFG ~ IN3_CNFG (16, 19, 1A) IIN1_CNFG ~ IN3_CNFG (16, 19, 1A) PRE_DIV_CH_CNFG (23) PRE_DIVN[14:8]_CNFG (25), PRE_DIVN[7:0]_CNFG (24) Note 1: Please see register description for details. Note 2: For 156.25 MHz, 312.5 MHz and 625 MHz differential input clock frequency, the divider mode should be DivN with IN_FREQ[3:0] = `1100': 6.25 MHz. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 16 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.5 INPUT CLOCK QUALITY MONITORING There are four configurations (0 - 3) for a leaky bucket accumulator. The leaky bucket configuration for an input clock is selected by the corresponding BUCKET_SEL[1:0] bits. Each leaky bucket configuration consists of four elements: upper threshold, lower threshold, bucket size and decay rate. The qualities of all the input clocks are always monitored in the following aspects: * Activity * Frequency The bucket size is the capability of the accumulator. If the number of the accumulated events reach the bucket size, the accumulator will stop increasing even if further events are detected. The upper threshold is a point above which a no-activity alarm is raised. The lower threshold is a point below which the no-activity alarm is cleared. The decay rate is a certain period during which the accumulator decreases by 1 if no event is detected. Activity and frequency monitoring are conducted on all the input clocks. The qualified clocks are available for DPLL selection. The selected input clocks monitored further. Refer to Chapter 3.7 Selected Input Clock Monitoring for details. 3.5.1 ACTIVITY MONITORING The leaky bucket configuration is programmed by one of four groups of register bits: the BUCKET_SIZE_n_DATA[7:0] bits, the UPPER_ THRESHOLD_n_DATA[7:0] bits, the LOWER_THRESHOLD_n_ DATA[7:0] bits and the DECAY_RATE_n_DATA[1:0] bits respectively; `n' is 0 ~ 3. Activity is monitored by using an internal leaky bucket accumulator, as shown in Figure 3. Each input clock is assigned an internal leaky bucket accumulator. The input clock is monitored for each period of 128 ms, the internal leaky bucket accumulator is increased by 1 when an event is detected; and it is decreased by 1 when no event is detected within the period set by the decay rate. The event is that an input clock drifts outside (>) 500 ppm with respect to the master clock within a 128 ms period. The no-activity alarm status of the input clock is indicated by the INn_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM bit (3 n 1). The input clock with a no-activity alarm is disqualified for clock selection for the DPLL. clock signal with events clock signal with no event Input Clock Decay Rate Bucket Size Upper Threshol Leaky Bucket Accumulator Lower Threshol 0 No-activity Alarm Indication Figure 3. Input Clock Activity Monitoring (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 17 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.5.2 The soft alarm is indicated by the INn_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM bit (3 n 1) in the same way as hard alarm. FREQUENCY MONITORING Frequency is monitored by comparing the input clock with a reference clock. The reference clock can be derived from the master clock or the output of the DPLL, as determined by the FREQ_MON_CLK bit. If the FREQ_MON_HARD_EN bit is `1', the frequency alarm status of the input clock is indicated by the INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM bit (3 n 1). When the FREQ_MON_HARD_EN bit is `0', no frequency hard alarm is raised even if the input clock is above the frequency alarm threshold. Each reference clock has a hard frequency monitor and a soft frequency monitor. Both monitors have two thresholds, rejecting threshold and accepting threshold, which are set in HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:0] and SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:0]. So four frequency alarm thresholds are set for frequency monitoring: Hard Alarm Accepting Threshold, Hard Alarm Rejecting Threshold, Soft Alarm Accepting Threshold and Soft Alarm Rejecting Threshold. The input clock with a frequency hard alarm is disqualified for clock selection for the DPLL, but the soft alarm don't affect the clock selection for the DPLL. In addition, if the input clock is 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz, its clock edges with respect to the reference clock are monitored. If any edge drifts outside 5%, the input clock is disqualified for clock selection for the DPLL. The input clock is qualified if any edge drifts inside 5%. This function is supported only when the IN_NOISE_WINDOW bit is `1'. The frequency hard alarm accepting threshold can be calculated as follows: Frequency Hard Alarm Accepting Threshold (ppm) = (HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] + 1) X FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) The frequency of each input clock with respect to the reference clock can be read by doing the following step by step: 1. Select an input clock by setting the IN_FREQ_READ_CH[3:0] bits; 2. Read the value in the IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] bits and calculate as follows: The frequency hard alarm rejecting threshold can be calculated as follows: Frequency Hard Alarm Rejecting Threshold (ppm) = (HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] + 1) X FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) When the input clock frequency raises to above the hard alarm rejecting threshold, the INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM bit (3 n 1) will alarm and indicate `1'. The alarm will remain until the frequency is down to below the hard alarm accepting threshold, then the INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM bit will back to `0'. There is a hysteresis between frequency monitoring, refer to Figure 4. Hysteresis Frequency Monitoring Input Clock Frequency (ppm) = IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] X FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] Note that the value set by the FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] bits depends on the application. Rejecting threshold Accepting threshold rejected (alarmed) accepted accepted Figure 4. Hysteresis Frequency Monitoring (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 18 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 4: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.5 Bit Register Address (Hex) BUCKET_SIZE_n_DATA[7:0] (3 n 0) UPPER_THRESHOLD_n_DATA[7:0] (3 n 0) LOWER_THRESHOLD_n_DATA[7:0] (3 n 0) DECAY_RATE_n_DATA[1:0] (3 n 0) BUCKET_SEL[1:0] INn_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM (3 n 1) INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM (3 n 1) INn_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM (3 n 1) FREQ_MON_CLK FREQ_MON_HARD_EN HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:0] SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:0] FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] IN_NOISE_WINDOW IN_FREQ_READ_CH[3:0] IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] BUCKET_SIZE_0_CNFG ~ BUCKET_SIZE_3_CNFG UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG ~ UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG ~ LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG DECAY_RATE_0_CNFG ~ DECAY_RATE_3_CNFG IN1_CNFG ~ IN3_CNFG 33, 37, 3B, 3F 31, 35, 39, 3D 32, 36, 3A, 3E 34, 38, 3C, 40 16, 19, 1A IN1_IN2_STS ~ IN3_STS 44 ~ 45 MON_SW_HS_CNFG 0B HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG FREQ_MON_FACTOR_CNFG PHASE_MON_CNFG IN_FREQ_READ_CH_CNFG IN_FREQ_READ_STS 2F 30 2E 78 41 42 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 19 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.6 DPLL INPUT CLOCK SELECTION 3.6.1 In Forced selection, the selected input clock is set by the INPUT_SEL[3:0] bits. The results of input clocks quality monitoring (refer to Chapter 3.5 Input Clock Quality Monitoring) do not affect the input clock selection if Forced selection is used. The DPLL_INPUT_SEL[3:0] bits determine the input clock selection, as shown in Table 5: Table 5: Input Clock Selection for the DPLL Control Bit 3.6.2 Input Clock Selection DPLL_INPUT_SEL[3:0] other than 0000 0000 AUTOMATIC SELECTION In Automatic selection, the input clock selection is determined by its validity, priority and locking allowance configuration. The validity depends on the results of input clock quality monitoring (refer to Chapter 3.5 Input Clock Quality Monitoring). Locking allowance is configured by the corresponding INn_VALID bit(3 n 1). Refer to Figure 5. In all the qualified input clocks, the one with the highest priority is selected. The priority is set by the corresponding INn_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] bits (3 n 1). If more than one qualified input clock INn is available and has the same priority, the input clock with the smallest `n' is selected. Forced selection Automatic selection Forced selection is done by setting the related registers. Automatic selection is done based on the results of input clocks quality monitoring and the related registers configuration. Validity FORCED SELECTION Priority No No Locking Allowance No INn_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] '0000', (3 > n > 1) Input Clock Quality Monitoring (LOS, Activity, Frequency) INn = '1', (3 > n > 1) INn_VALID = '0', (3 > n > 1) Yes Yes Yes All qualified input clocks are available for Automatic selection Figure 5. Qualified Input Clocks for Automatic Selection Table 6: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.6 Bit Register Address (Hex) DPLL_INPUT_SEL[3:0] INn_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] (3 n 1) DPLL_INPUT_SEL_CNFG IN1_IN2_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG ~ IN3_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG REMOTE_INPUT_VALID1_CNFG, REMOTE_INPUT_VALID2_CNFG INPUT_VALID1_STS, INPUT_VALID2_STS 50 27 ~ 28 INn_VALID (3 n 1) INn (3 n 1) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 20 4C 4A, Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.7 SELECTED INPUT CLOCK MONITORING The occurrence of the fine phase loss will result in the DPLL unlocked if the FINE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit is `1'. The quality of the selected input clock is always monitored (refer to Chapter 3.5 Input Clock Quality Monitoring) and the DPLL locking status is always monitored. 3.7.1 Two limits are available for this monitoring. They are DPLL soft limit and DPLL hard limit. When the frequency of the DPLL output with respect to the master clock exceeds the DPLL soft / hard limit, a DPLL soft / hard alarm will be raised; the alarm is cleared once the frequency is within the corresponding limit. The occurrence of the DPLL soft alarm does not affect the DPLL locking status. The DPLL soft alarm is indicated by the corresponding DPLL_SOFT_FREQ_ALARM bit. The occurrence of the DPLL hard alarm will result in the DPLL unlocked if the FREQ_LIMT_PH_LOS bit is `1'. DPLL LOCKING DETECTION The following events is always monitored: * Fast Loss; * Coarse Phase Loss; * Fine Phase Loss; * Hard Limit Exceeding. Fast Loss The DPLL soft limit is set by the DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMT[6:0] bits and can be calculated as follows: A fast loss is triggered when the selected input clock misses 2 consecutive clock cycles. It is cleared once an active clock edge is detected. DPLL Soft Limit (ppm) = DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMT[6:0] X 0.724 The occurrence of the fast loss will result in the DPLL unlocked if the FAST_LOS_SW bit is `1'. The DPLL hard limit is set by the DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:0] bits and can be calculated as follows: Coarse Phase Loss DPLL Hard Limit (ppm) = DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:0] X 0.0014 The DPLL compares the selected input clock with the feedback signal. If the phase-compared result exceeds the coarse phase limit, a coarse phase loss is triggered. It is cleared once the phase-compared result is within the coarse phase limit. 3.7.2 If the FAST_LOS_SW bit, the COARSE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit, the FINE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit or the FREQ_LIMT_PH_LOS bit is `0', the DPLL locking status will not be affected even if the corresponding event is triggered. If all these bits are `0', the DPLL will be in locked state in 2 seconds. Table 7: Coarse Phase Limit Programming (the selected input clock of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz) 0 Coarse Phase Limit don't-care 1 UI 0 1 UI 1 set by the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits 1 The DPLL locking status is indicated by the DPLL_LOCK 3.7.3 Coarse Phase Limit 0 1 1 UI set by the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits Period (sec.) = TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] The phase lock alarm is indicated by the corresponding INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM bit (3 n 1). The phase lock alarm can be cleared by the following two ways, as selected by the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit: * Be cleared when a `1' is written to the corresponding INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM bit; * Be cleared after the period (= TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] in second) which starts from when the alarm is raised. The occurrence of the coarse phase loss will result in the DPLL unlocked if the COARSE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit is `1'. Fine Phase Loss The DPLL compares the selected input clock with the feedback signal. If the phase-compared result exceeds the fine phase limit programmed by the PH_LOS_FINE_LIMT[2:0] bits, a fine phase loss is triggered. It is cleared once the phase-compared result is within the fine phase limit. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. PHASE LOCK ALARM A phase lock alarm will be raised when the selected input clock can not be locked in the DPLL within a certain period. This period can be calculated as follows: Table 8: Coarse Phase Limit Programming (the selected input clock of other than 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz) WIDE_EN LOCKING STATUS The DPLL locking status depends on the locking monitoring results. The DPLL is in locked state if none of the following events is triggered during 2 seconds; otherwise, the DPLL is unlocked. * Fast Loss (the FAST_LOS_SW bit is `1'); * Coarse Phase Loss (the COARSE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit is `1'); * Fine Phase Loss (the FINE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN bit is `1'); * DPLL Hard Alarm (the FREQ_LIMT_PH_LOS bit is `1'). When the selected input clock is of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz, the coarse phase limit depends on the MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN bit, the WIDE_EN bit and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits. Refer to Table 7. When the selected input clock is of other frequencies but 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz, the coarse phase limit depends on the WIDE_EN bit and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits. Refer to Table 8. MULTI_PH_8K_4K WIDE_EN _2K_EN Hard Limit Exceeding The selected input clock with a phase lock alarm is disqualified for the DPLL locking. 21 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 9: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.7 Bit FAST_LOS_SW PH_LOS_FINE_LIMT[2:0] FINE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN WIDE_EN PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] COARSE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN DPLL_SOFT_FREQ_ALARM DPLL_LOCK DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMT[6:0] FREQ_LIMT_PH_LOS DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:0] TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM (3 n 1) PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Register Address (Hex) PHASE_LOSS_FINE_LIMIT_CNFG 5B PHASE_LOSS_COARSE_LIMIT_CNFG 5A OPERATING_STS 52 DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMIT_CNFG 65 DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[15:8]_CNFG, DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[7:0]_CNFG 67, 66 PHASE_ALARM_TIME_OUT_CNFG 08 IN1_IN2_STS ~ IN3_STS INPUT_MODE_CNFG 44, 45 09 22 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.8 INPUT CLOCK SELECTION * * If the input clock is selected by Forced selection, it can be switched by setting the related registers (refer to Chapter 3.6.1 Forced Selection) any time. In this case, whether the input clock is qualified for DPLL locking does not affect the clock switch. * The input clock is disqualified if any of the above conditions is not satisfied. When the input clock is selected by Automatic selection, the input clock switch depends on its validity, priority and locking allowance configuration. If the current selected input clock is disqualified, a new qualified input clock may be switched to. 3.8.1 In summary, the selected input clock can be switched by: * Forced selection; * Revertive switching; * Non-Revertive switching. INPUT CLOCK VALIDITY For all the input clocks, the validity depends on the results of input clock quality monitoring (refer to Chapter 3.5 Input Clock Quality Monitoring). When all of the following conditions are satisfied, the input clock is valid; otherwise, it is invalid. * No no-activity alarm (the INn_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM bit is `0'); * No frequency hard alarm (the INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM bit is `0'); * If the IN_NOISE_WINDOW bit is `1', all the edges of the input clock of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz drift inside 5%; if the IN_NOISE_WINDOW bit is `0', this condition is ignored. * No phase lock alarm, i.e., the INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM bit is `0'; * If the ULTR_FAST_SW bit is `1', the DPLL selected input clock misses less than (<) 2 consecutive clock cycles; if the ULTR_FAST_SW bit is `0', this condition is ignored. Revertive Switching In Revertive switching, the selected input clock is switched when another qualified input clock with a higher priority than the current selected input clock is available. The selected input clock is switched if any of the following is satisfied: * the selected input clock is disqualified; * another qualified input clock with a higher priority than the selected input clock is available. A qualified input clock with the highest priority is selected by revertive switching. If more than one qualified input clock INn is available and has the same priority, the input clock with the smallest `n' is selected. The validities of all the input clocks are indicated by the INn 1 bit (3 n 1). When the input clock validity changes (from `valid' to `invalid' or from `invalid' to `valid'), the INn 2 bit will be set. If the INn 3 bit is `1', an interrupt will be generated. Non-Revertive Switching In Non-Revertive switching, the DPLL selected input clock is not switched when another qualified input clock with a higher priority than the current selected input clock is available. In this case, the selected input clock is switched and a qualified input clock with the highest priority is selected only when the DPLL selected input clock is disqualified. If more than one qualified input clock is available and has the same priority, the input clock with the smallest `n' is selected. When the selected input clock has failed, i.e., the validity of the selected input clock changes from `valid' to `invalid', the MAIN_REF_FAILED 1 bit will be set. If the MAIN_REF_FAILED 2 bit is `1', an interrupt will be generated. This interrupt can also be indicated by hardware the TDO pin, as determined by the LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO bit. When the TDO pin is used to indicate this interrupt, it will be set high when this interrupt is generated and will remain high until this interrupt is cleared. 3.8.2 Valid, i.e., the INn 1 bit is `1'; Priority enabled, i.e., the corresponding INn_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] bits are not `0000'; Locking to the input clock is allowed, i.e., the corresponding INn_VALID bit is `0'. 3.8.3 SELECTED / QUALIFIED INPUT CLOCKS INDICATION The selected input clock is indicated by the CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT[3:0] bits. INPUT CLOCK SELECTION The qualified input clocks with the three highest priorities are indicated by HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] bits, the SECOND_ PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] bits and the THIRD_PRIORITY _VALIDATED[3:0] bits respectively. If more than one input clock INn has the same priority, the input clock with the smallest `n' is indicated by the HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] bits. When the device is configured as Automatic input clock selection, Revertive and Non-Revertive switchings are supported, as selected by the REVERTIVE_MODE bit. GR-1244 defines Revertive and Non-Revertive Reference switching. In Non-Revertive switching, a switch to an alternate reference is maintained even after the original reference has recovered from the failure that caused the switch. In Revertive switching, the clock switches back to the original reference after that reference recovers from the failure, independent of the condition of the alternate reference. In Non-Revertive switching, input clock switch is minimized. When the device is configured in Automatic selection and Revertive switching is enabled, the input clock indicated by the CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT[3:0] bits is the same as the one indicated by the HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] bits. Conditions of the qualified input clocks available for selection are: (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 23 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 10: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.8 Bit INn 1 Register Address (Hex) (3 n 1) INPUT_VALID1_STS, INPUT_VALID2_STS 4A 2 (3 n 1) INTERRUPTS1_STS, INTERRUPTS2_STS 0D INn 3 (3 n 1) INTERRUPTS1_ENABLE_CNFG, INTERRUPTS2_ENABLE_CNFG 10 INn_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM (3 n 1) INn_FREQ_HARD_ALARM (3 n 1) IN1_IN2_STS ~ IN3_STS 44 ~ 45 PHASE_MON_CNFG 78 MON_SW_HS_CNFG 0B INTERRUPTS2_STS 0E INTERRUPTS2_ENABLE_CNFG 11 INPUT_MODE_CNFG IN1_IN2_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG ~ IN3_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG REMOTE_INPUT_VALID1_CNFG, REMOTE_INPUT_VALID2_CNFG 09 27, 28 4C PRIORITY_TABLE1_STS 4E PRIORITY_TABLE2_STS 4F INn INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM (3 n 1) IN_NOISE_WINDOW ULTR_FAST_SW LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO MAIN_REF_FAILED 1 2 MAIN_REF_FAILED REVERTIVE_MODE INn_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] (3 n 1) INn_VALID (3 n 1) CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT[3:0] HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] SECOND_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] THIRD_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 24 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.9 SELECTED INPUT CLOCK STATUS VS. DPLL OPERATING MODE Table 11: DPLL Operating Mode Control The DPLL supports three primary operating modes: Free-Run, Locked and Holdover, and three secondary, temporary operating modes: Pre-Locked, Pre-Locked2 and Lost-Phase. The operating modes of the DPLL can be switched automatically or by force, as controlled by the DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] bits. DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] DPLL Operating Mode 000 001 010 100 101 110 111 Automatic Forced - Free-Run Forced - Holdover Forced - Locked Forced - Pre-Locked2 Forced - Pre-Locked Forced - Lost-Phase When the operating mode is switched by force, the operating mode switch is under external control and the status of the selected input clock takes no effect to the operating mode selection. When the operating mode is switched automatically, the internal state machines for the DPLL automatically determine the operating mode respectively. 3.9.1 When the operating mode is switched automatically, the operation of the internal state machine is shown in Figure 6. Whether the operating mode is under external control or is switched automatically, the current operating mode is always indicated by the DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] bits. When the operating mode switches, the OPERATING_MODE 1 bit will be set. If the OPERATING_MODE 2 bit is `1', an interrupt will be generated. SELECTED INPUT CLOCK VS. DPLL OPERATING MODE The DPLL operating mode is controlled by the DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] bits, as shown in Table 11: 1 Free-Run mode 3 2 Pre-Locked mode 4 5 Locked mode 10 9 15 Pre-Locked2 mode 8 6 Holdover mode 7 11 12 Lost-Phase mode 13 14 Figure 6. DPLL Selected Input Clock vs. DPLL Automatic Operating Mode (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 25 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Notes to Figure 6: 1. Reset. 2. An input clock is selected. 3. The DPLL selected input clock is disqualified AND No qualified input clock is available. 4. The DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one. 5. The DPLL selected input clock is locked (the DPLL_LOCK bit is `1'). 6. The DPLL selected input clock is disqualified AND No qualified input clock is available. 7. The DPLL selected input clock is unlocked (the DPLL_LOCK bit is `0'). 8. The DPLL selected input clock is locked again (the DPLL_LOCK bit is `1'). 9. The DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one. 10. The DPLL selected input clock is locked (the DPLL_LOCK bit is `1'). 11. The DPLL selected input clock is disqualified AND No qualified input clock is available. 12. The DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one. 13. The DPLL selected input clock is disqualified AND No qualified input clock is available. 14. An input clock is selected. 15. The DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one. The causes of Item 4, 9, 12, 15 - `the DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one' - are: (The DPLL selected input clock is disqualified AND Another input clock is switched to) OR (In Revertive switching, a qualified input clock with a higher priority is switched to) OR (The DPLL selected input clock is switched to another one by Forced selection). Table 12: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.9 Bit Register Address (Hex) DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] DPLL_LOCK DPLL_OPERATING_MODE_CNFG 53 OPERATING_STS 52 OPERATING_MODE 1 INTERRUPTS2_STS 0E INTERRUPTS2_ENABLE_CNFG 11 OPERATING_MODE (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 26 2 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.10 DPLL OPERATING MODE In Free-Run mode, the DPLL output refers to the master clock and is not affected by any input clock. The accuracy of the DPLL output is equal to that of the master clock. The DPLL gives a stable performance in different applications without being affected by operating conditions or silicon process variations. It integrates a PFD (Phase & Frequency Detector), a LPF (Low Pass Filter) and a DCO (Digital Controlled Oscillator), which forms a closed loop. If no input clock is selected, the loop is not closed, and the PFD and LPF do not function. The Pre-Locked mode is a secondary, temporary mode. Locked Mode In Locked mode, the DPLL selected input clock is locked. The phase and frequency offset of the DPLL output track those of the DPLL selected input clock. Averaged Phase Error (ns) = CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:0] X 0.61 The LPF filters jitter. Its 3 dB bandwidth and damping factor are programmable. A range of bandwidths and damping factors can be set to meet different application requirements. For the same bandwidth setting, a lower damping factor will decrease the locking time but will increase the overshoot. In this mode, if the DPLL selected input clock is in fast loss status and the FAST_LOS_SW bit is `1', the DPLL is unlocked (refer to Chapter Fast Loss) and will enter Lost-Phase mode when the operating mode is switched automatically; if the DPLL selected input clock is in fast loss status and the FAST_LOS_SW bit is `0', the DPLL locking status is not affected and the DPLL will enter Temp-Holdover mode automatically. The DCO controls the DPLL output. The frequency of the DPLL output is always multiplied on the basis of the master clock. The phase and frequency offset of the DPLL output may be locked to those of the selected input clock. The current frequency offset with respect to the master clock is indicated by the CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] bits, and can be calculated as follows: Temp-Holdover Mode The DPLL will automatically enter Temp-Holdover mode with a selected input clock switch or no qualified input clock available when the operating mode switch is under external control. Current Frequency Offset (ppm) = CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] X 0.000011 In Temp-Holdover mode, the DPLL has temporarily lost the selected input clock. The DPLL operation in Temp-Holdover mode and that in Holdover mode are alike (refer to Chapter Holdover Mode) except the frequency offset acquiring methods. See Chapter Holdover Mode for details about the methods. The method is selected by the TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE[1:0] bits, as shown in Table 13: DPLL OPERATING MODE The DPLL loop is closed except in Free-Run mode and Holdover mode. For a closed loop, different bandwidths and damping factors can be used depending on DPLL locking stages: starting, acquisition and locked. Table 13: Frequency Offset Control in Temp-Holdover Mode In the first two seconds when the DPLL attempts to lock to the selected input clock, the starting bandwidth and damping factor are used. They are set by the DPLL_START_BW[4:0] bits and the DPLL_START_DAMPING[2:0] bits respectively. During the acquisition, the acquisition bandwidth and damping factor are used. They are set by the DPLL_ACQ_BW[4:0] bits and the DPLL_ACQ_DAMPING[2:0] bits respectively. TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE[1:0] Frequency Offset Acquiring Method 00 01 10 11 the same as that used in Holdover mode Automatic Instantaneous Automatic Fast Averaged Automatic Slow Averaged The device automatically controls the DPLL to exit from Temp-Holdover mode. When the DPLL selected input clock is locked, the locked bandwidth and damping factor are used. They are set by the DPLL_LOCKED_BW[4:0] bits and the DPLL_LOCKED_DAMPING[2:0] bits respectively. Lost-Phase Mode In Lost-Phase mode, the DPLL output attempts to track the selected input clock. The corresponding bandwidth and damping factor are used when the DPLL operates in different DPLL locking stages: starting, acquisition and locked, as controlled by the device automatically. The Lost-Phase mode is a secondary, temporary mode. Holdover Mode In Holdover mode, the DPLL resorts to the stored frequency data acquired in Locked mode to control its output. The DPLL output is not phase locked to any input clock. The frequency offset acquiring method is selected by the MAN_HOLDOVER bit, the AUTO_AVG bit and the FAST_AVG bit, as shown in Table 14: Only the locked bandwidth and damping factor can be used regardless of the DPLL locking stage, as controlled by the AUTO_BW_SEL bit. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Pre-Locked Mode In Pre-Locked mode, the DPLL output attempts to track the selected input clock. The PFD detects the phase error, including the fast loss, coarse phase loss and fine phase loss (refer to Chapter Fast Loss to Chapter Fine Phase Loss). The averaged phase error of the DPLL feedback with respect to the selected input clock is indicated by the CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:0] bits. It can be calculated as follows: 3.10.1 Free-Run Mode 27 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 14: Frequency Offset Control in Holdover Mode MAN_HOLDOVER AUTO_AVG FAST_AVG Frequency Offset Acquiring Method 0 don't-care 0 1 Automatic Instantaneous Automatic Slow Averaged Automatic Fast Averaged Manual 0 1 1 don't-care OVER_FREQ[23:0] bits (refer to Chapter Holdover Frequency Offset Read); or then be processed by external software filtering. Automatic Instantaneous By this method, the DPLL freezes at the operating frequency when it enters Holdover mode. The accuracy is 4.4X10-8 ppm. Holdover Frequency Offset Read The offset value, which is acquired by Automatic Slow Averaged, Automatic Fast Averaged and is set by related register bits, can be read from the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits by setting the READ_AVG bit and the FAST_AVG bit, as shown in Table 15. Automatic Slow Averaged By this method, an internal IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter is employed to get the frequency offset. The IIR filter gives a 3 dB attenuation point corresponding to a period of 110 minutes. The accuracy is 1.1X10-5 ppm. Table 15: Holdover Frequency Offset Read Automatic Fast Averaged READ_AVG FAST_AVG Offset Value Read from HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] 0 By this method, an internal IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter is employed to get the frequency offset. The IIR filter gives a 3 dB attenuation point corresponding to a period of 8 minutes. The accuracy is 1.1X10-5 ppm. don't-care The value is equal to the one written to. The value is acquired by Automatic Slow Averaged 0 method, not equal to the one written to. The value is acquired by Automatic Fast Averaged 1 method, not equal to the one written to. 1 Manual The frequency offset in ppm is calculated as follows: By this method, the frequency offset is set by the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits. The accuracy is 1.1X10-5 ppm. Holdover Frequency Offset (ppm) = HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] X 0.000011 The frequency offset of the DPLL output is indicated by the CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] bits. In Pre-Locked2 mode, the DPLL output attempts to track the selected input clock. The device provides a reference for the value to be written to the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits. The value to be written can refer to the value read from the CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] bits or the HOLD- (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Pre-Locked2 Mode The Pre-Locked2 mode is a secondary, temporary mode. 28 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 16: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.10 Bit Register Address (Hex) CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:0] CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[15:8]_STS, CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[7:0]_STS CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16]_STS, CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[15:8]_STS, CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[7:0]_STS 69, 68 CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] DPLL_START_BW[4:0] DPLL_START_DAMPING[2:0] DPLL_ACQ_BW[4:0] DPLL_ACQ_DAMPING[2:0] _DPLL_LOCKED_BW[4:0] DPLL_LOCKED_DAMPING[2:0] AUTO_BW_SEL FAST_LOS_SW TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE[1:0] MAN_HOLDOVER AUTO_AVG FAST_AVG READ_AVG HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] 64, 63, 62 DPLL_START_BW_DAMPING_CNFG 56 DPLL_ACQ_BW_DAMPING_CNFG 57 DPLL_LOCKED_BW_DAMPING_CNFG 58 BW_OVERSHOOT_CNFG PHASE_LOSS_FINE_LIMIT_CNFG 59 5B * HOLDOVER_MODE_CNFG 5C HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG, HOLDOVER_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG, HOLDOVER_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG 5F, 5E, 5D (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 29 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.11 DPLL OUTPUT the PH_OFFSET_EN bit determines whether the input-to-output phase offset is enabled; if the device is configured as the Slave, the input-tooutput phase offset is always enabled. If enabled, the input-to-output phase offset can be adjusted by setting the PH_OFFSET[9:0] bits. The DPLL output is locked to the selected input clock. According to the phase-compared result of the feedback and the selected input clock, and the DPLL output frequency offset, the PFD output is limited and the DPLL output is frequency offset limited. 3.11.1 The input-to-output phase offset can be calculated as follows: Phase Offset (ns) = PH_OFFSET[9:0] X 0.61 PFD OUTPUT LIMIT 3.11.5 The PFD output is limited to be within 1 UI or within the coarse phase limit (refer to Chapter Coarse Phase Loss), as determined by the MULTI_PH_APP bit. 3.11.2 To meet the phase slope requirements of Telcordia and ITU-T standards, the DPLL provides a phase slope limiting feature to limit the rate of output phase movement. The limit level is selectable via address 32 in page 1. The following options are available * GR-1244 ST3: 81ns/1.326ms (61us/s) * GR-1244 ST2, 3E, ST3(objective): 885ns/s * G.813 opt1, G.8262 EEC-option 1: 7.5us/s FREQUENCY OFFSET LIMIT The DPLL output is limited to be within the DPLL hard limit (refer to Chapter Hard Limit Exceeding). The integral path value can be frozen when the DPLL hard limit is reached. This function, enabled by the DPLL_LIMT bit, will minimize the subsequent overshoot when DPLL is pulling in. 3.11.3 This feature is disabled by default. 3.11.6 HITLESS REFERENCE SWITCHING (HS) FIVE PATHS OF THE DPLL OUTPUTS The DPLL output is phase aligned with the selected input clock respectively every 125 s period. The DPLL has five output paths. When a hitless switching event is triggered, the phase offset of the selected input clock with respect to the DPLL output is measured. The device then automatically accounts for the measured phase offset and compensates an appropriate phase offset into the DPLL output so that the phase transients on the DPLL output are minimized. DPLL Path The five paths for the DPLL output are as follows: * 77.76 MHz path - outputs a 77.76 MHz clock; * 16E1/16T1 path - outputs a 16E1 or 16T1 clock, as selected by the IN_SONET_SDH bit; * GSM/OBSAI/16E1/16T1 path - outputs a GSM, OBSAI, 16E1 or 16T1 clock, as selected by the GSM_OBSAI_16E1_16T1_ SEL[1:0] bits; * 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 path - outputs a 12E1, GPS, E3 or T3 clock, as selected by the 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL[1:0] bits; * 25 MHz path - outputs a 25 MHz clock. A hitless switch event is triggered if any one of the following conditions occurs: * The selected input clock switches (the HS_EN bit is `1'); * The DPLL exits from Holdover mode or Free-Run mode (the HS_EN bit is `1'); The phase transients on the DPLL output are minimized to be no more than 0.61 ns with hitless switching. The HS can also be frozen at the current phase offset by setting the HS_FREZ bit. When the HS is frozen, the device will ignore any further HS events triggered by the above two conditions, and maintain the current phase offset. When the HS is disabled, there may be a phase shift on the DPLL output and the DPLL output tracks back to 0 degree phase offset with respect to the selected input clock. 3.11.4 PHASE SLOPE LIMITING The selected input clock is compared with the DPLL output for DPLL locking. The output can only be derived from the 77.76 MHz path or the 16E1/16T1 path. The output path is automatically selected and the output is automatically divided to get the same frequency as the selected input clock. The DPLL outputs are provided for APLL or device output process. PHASE OFFSET SELECTION The phase offset of the DPLL selected input clock with respect to the DPLL output can be adjusted. If the device is configured as the Master, (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 30 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 17: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.11 Bit Register Address (Hex) MULTI_PH_APP DPLL_LIMT HS_EN HS_FREZ PH_OFFSET_EN PH_OFFSET[9:0] IN_SONET_SDH GSM_OBSAI_16E1_16T1_SEL[1:0] 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL[1:0] PHASE_LOSS_COARSE_LIMIT_CNFG DPLL_BW_OVERSHOOT_CNFG 5A 59 MON_SW_HS_CNFG 0B PHASE_OFFSET[9:8]_CNFG PHASE_OFFSET[9:8]_CNFG, PHASE_OFFSET[7:0]_CNFG INPUT_MODE_CNFG 7B 7B, 7A 09 DPLL_APLL_PATH_CNFG 55 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 31 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.12 APLL An APLL is provided for a better jitter and wander performance of the device output clocks. VC The input of the APLL can be derived from one of the DPLL outputs, as selected by the APLL_PATH[3:0] bits respectively. Rs Both the APLL and DPLL outputs are provided for selection for the device output. Cs Cp Table 18: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.12 Bit Register Address (Hex) APLL_PATH[3:0] DPLL_APLL_PATH_CNFG 55 3.12.1 EXTERNAL FILTER Figure 7. APLL External Filter Components The filter components are connected to VC0 for APLL. Choosing the correct external components and having a printed circuit board (PCB) layout is a key task for quality operation of the APLL external filter option. The APLL loop bandwidth selection table shows Rs, Cs and Cp values for recommend bandwidth. The device has been characterized using these parameters. The external loop filter components should be kept as close as possible to the device. Loop filter traces should be kept short. Other signal traces should be kept separated and not run underneath the device, and loop filter components. 3.13 The device supports 3 output clocks. According to the output port technology, the output ports support the following technologies: * PECL/LVDS; * CMOS. OUT1 outputs a CMOS signal. Table 19: APLL Approximate Loop Bandwidth Selection VC Filter Pin Rs () Cs (uF) Cp (pF) External component 220 2.2 510 OUTPUT CLOCKS OUT2 and OUT3 output a PECL or LVDS signal, as selected by the OUT2_PECL_LVDS bit and the OUT3_PECL_LVDS bit respectively. The outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 are variable, depending on the signals Table 20: Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from DPLL Outputs OUTn_DIVIDER[3:0] (Output Divider) 1 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from DPLL Outputs 2 DPLL (77.76 MHz) DPLL 12E1 DPLL 16E1 DPLL 16T1 DPLL E3 DPLL T3 DPLL (26.0 MHz) DPLL (25.MHz) DPLL (30.72 MHz) DPLL (40.0 MHz) 25 MHz 30.72 MHz 15.36 MHz 7.68 MHz 40 MHz 20 MHz 10 MHz 3.84 MHz 5 MHz Output is disabled (output low). 12E1 6E1 3E1 2E1 16E1 8E1 4E1 16T1 8T1 4T1 2E1 2T1 E1 T1 E3 T3 26 MHz 13 MHz E1 64 kHz 8 kHz 2 kHz 400 Hz 1PPS Output is disabled (output high). Note: 1. 1 n 3. Each output is assigned a frequency divider. 2. E1 = 2.048 MHz, T1 = 1.544 MHz, E3 = 34.368 MHz, T3 = 44.736 MHz. The blank cell means the configuration is reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 32 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 21: Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from APLL1 OUTn_DIVIDER[3:0] (Output Divider) 2 Outputs on OUT1 ~ OUT3 if Derived from APLL Output 3 SONET ETHERNET 0000 Ethernet *66/64 Output is disabled (output low). 0001 622.08 MHz 4 625 MHz 625*66/64 MHz 0010 622.08 MHz 4 625 MHz 625*66/64 MHz 0011 311.04 MHz 4 312.5 MHz 312.5*66/64 MHz 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 155.52 MHz 156.25 MHz 156.25*66/64 MHz 77.76 MHz 51.84 MHz 38.88 MHz 25.92 MHz 19.44 MHz 125 MHz 25 MHz 125*66/64 MHz 25*66/64 MHz 6.48 MHz Output is disabled (output high). Note: 1. For the APLL path selection, please refer to the registers DPLL_APLL_PATH_CNFG (55H) and in Chapter 6.2.7 DPLL & APLL Configuration Registers. 2. 1 n 3. Each output is assigned a frequency divider. 3. In the APLL, the selected DPLL output may be multiplied. The blank cell means the configuration is reserved. 4. The 622.08 MHz, 625 MHz, 312.5 MHz and 311.04 MHz differential signals are only output on OUT2 and OUT3 3.13.1 The phase for the 1PPS output can be selected by setting PPS_PHASE[1:0] at the Pulse Per Second Output Configuration register (address 31H on Page 1). 1 PULSE PER SECOND The 8V89307 can be used to lock to 1PPS input. The Bandwidth to lock to 1PPS input should be set to 15 mHz. The pulse width for the 1PPS output can be programmed by setting PPS_PULSE[3:0] at the Pulse Per Second Output Configuration register (address 31H on Page 1). The 1PPS output can be locked to the input clocks instead of the 1PPS input. If there is no 1PPS input, the 1PPS output can still be generated. Table 22: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.13 Bit OUT2_PECL_LVDS OUT3_PECL_LVDS OUTn_PATH_SEL[3:0] (1 n 3) OUTn_DIVIDER[3:0] (1 n 3) IN_SONET_SDH OUTn_INV (1 n 3) PPS_PHASE[1:0] PPS_PULSE[3:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Register Address (Hex) DIFFERENTIAL_IN_OUT_OSCI_CNFG 0A OUT1_FREQ_CNFG ~ OUT3_FREQ_CNFG 6B, 70, 71 INPUT_MODE_CNFG OUT1_INV_CNFG, OUT2-3_INV_CNFG 09 73, 72 PPS_CNFG 31 (Page 1) 33 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.14 INTERRUPT SUMMARY Interrupt events are cleared by writing a `1' to the corresponding interrupt status bit. The INT_REQ pin will be inactive only when all the pending enabled interrupts are cleared. The interrupt sources of the device are as follows: * Input clocks for DPLL validity change * DPLL selected input clock fail * DPLL operating mode switch In addition, the interrupt of DPLL selected input clock fail can be reported by the TDO pin, as determined by the LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO bit. Refer to Chapter 6.2.2 Interrupt Registers. All of the above interrupt events are indicated by the corresponding interrupt status bit. If the corresponding interrupt enable bit is set, any of the interrupts can be reported by the INT_REQ pin. The output characteristics on the INT_REQ pin are determined by the HZ_EN bit and the INT_POL bit. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Table 23: Related Bit / Register in Chapter 3.14 Bit HZ_EN INT_POL LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO 34 Register Address (Hex) INTERRUPT_CNFG 0C MON_SW_HS_CNFG 0B Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 3.15 POWER SUPPLY FILTERING TECHNIQUES differential output driver circuit. It provides VDDD1 and VDDD2 pins for the core logic as well as I/O driver circuits. To achieve optimum jitter performance, power supply filtering is required to minimize supply noise modulation of the output clocks. The common sources of power supply noise are switch power supplies and the high switching noise from the outputs to the internal PLL. The 8V89307 provides separate VDDA1~VDDA5 power pins for the internal analog PLL. It provides VDD_DIFF, VDD_DIFF2 and VDD_DIFF3 for the (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. For the 8V89307, the decoupling for VDDA1~VDDA5, VDD_DIFF, VDD_DIFF2, VDD_DIFF3, VDDD1 and VDDD2 are handled individually. They should be individually connected to the power supply plane through vias, and bypass capacitors should be used for each pin. Figure 8 on the following page, illustrates how bypass capacitor and ferrite bead should be connected to power pins. 35 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Figure 8. 8V89307 Power Decoupling Scheme (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 36 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 4 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE The microprocessor interface mode is selected by the MPU_SEL_CNFG[0] bits (b0, 7FH). The interface pins in different interface modes are listed in Table 24 and Table 25. The microprocessor interface provides access to read and write the registers in the device. The microprocessor interface supports the following modes: * Serial mode. * I2C mode Table 24: Microprocessor Interface MPU_SEL_CNFG[0] bits Microprocessor Interface Mode Interface Pins 0 I2C I2C_AD[2:0], I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL 1 Serial CS, SCLK, SDI, SDO, CLKE Table 25: Microprocessor Interface Pins PIN SDI MODE SERIAL I2C INPUT INPUT (Note 1) CLKE INPUT INPUT (Note 1) SD0/I2C_SDA OUTPUT INPUT/ OUTPUT CS/I2C_AD0 INPUT INPUT I2C_AD1 INPUT (Note 1) INPUT I2C_AD2 INPUT (Note 1) INPUT SCLK/I2C_SCL INPUT INPUT After reset de-assertion, wait 10 us for the mode to be active. Note 1: This pin is not used in this mode, this pin should be connected to ground Note 2: This pin is open drain (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 37 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 4.1 SERIAL MODE ing edge of SCLK. When CLKE is asserted high, data on SDO will be clocked out on the falling edge of SCLK. In a read operation, the active edge of SCLK is selected by CLKE. When CLKE is asserted low, data on SDO will be clocked out on the ris- In a write operation, data on SDI will be clocked in on the rising edge of SCLK. CS SCLK tsu1 SDI th2 tpw2 tsu2 th1 R/ W tpw1 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 td1 High-Z SDO D0 td2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Figure 9. Serial Read Timing Diagram (CLKE Asserted Low) CS th2 SCLK SDI R/ W A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 td1 High-Z SDO td2 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Figure 10. Serial Read Timing Diagram (CLKE Asserted High) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 38 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 26: Read Timing Characteristics in Serial Mode Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit T One cycle time of the master clock 12.86 ns tin Delay of input pad 5 ns 5 ns tout Delay of output pad tsu1 Valid SDI to valid SCLK setup time 4 ns tsu2 Valid CS to valid SCLK setup time 14 ns td1 Valid SCLK to valid data delay time 10 ns td2 CS rising edge to SDO high impedance delay time 10 ns tpw1 SCLK pulse width low 5T+10 ns tpw2 SCLK pulse width high 5T+10 ns th1 Valid SDI after valid SCLK hold time 6 ns th2 Valid CS after valid SCLK hold time (CLKE = 0/1) 5 ns tTI Time between consecutive Read-Read or Read-Write accesses (CS rising edge to CS falling edge) 10 ns CS t su2 SCLK t h1 t pw1 t su1 SDI t h2 t pw2 R/ W A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 High-Z SDO Figure 11. Serial Write Timing Diagram Table 27: Write Timing Characteristics in Serial Mode Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit T One cycle time of the master clock 12.86 ns tin Delay of input pad 5 ns tout Delay of output pad 5 ns tsu1 Valid SDI to valid SCLK setup time 4 ns tsu2 Valid CS to valid SCLK setup time 14 ns tpw1 SCLK pulse width low 5T+10 ns tpw2 SCLK pulse width high 5T+10 ns th1 Valid SDI after valid SCLK hold time 6 ns th2 Valid CS after valid SCLK hold time 5 ns tTI Time between consecutive Write-Write or Write-Read accesses (CS rising edge to CS falling edge) 10 ns (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 39 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 4.2 I2C MODE 4.2.1 I2C DEVICE ADDRESS 4.2.2 I2C BUS TIMING Figure 12 shows the definition of I2C bus timing. The higher 4-bit address is fixed to 4'b1010. The lower 3-bit address is set by pins I2C_AD2, I2C_AD1, I2C_AD0. SDA tf tf tSU: DAT tLOW tHD: STA tr tSP tr tBUF SCL tHD: STA S tSU: STO tHD: DAT tHIGH tSU: STA Sr P S Figure 12. Definition of I2C Bus Timing (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 40 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 28: Timing Definition for Standard Mode and Fast Mode(1) Standard Mode Symbol Parameter SCL Serial clock frequency Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated tHD; STA Fast Mode Unit Min Max Min Max 0 100 0 400 kHz 4.0 - 0.5 - s tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 - 1.3 - s tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 - 0.6 - s 4.7 - 0.6 - s 5.0 0(2) 3.45(3) 0(2) 0.9(3) s 250 - 100(4) - ns - 1000 20 + 0.1Cb(5) 300 ns 300 20 + 0.1Cb(5) 300 ns tSU; STA Set-up time for a repeated START condition tHD; DAT Data hold time: for CBUS compatible masters for devices tSU; DAT Data set-up time tr tf tSU; STO I2C-bus Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals - Set-up time for STOP condition 4.0 - 0.6 - s tBUF Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4.7 - 1.3 - s Cb Capacitive load for each bus line - 400 - 400 pF 0.1VDD - 0.1VDD - V 0.2VDD - 0.2VDD - V 0 50 0 50 ns VnL VnH tsp Noise margin at the LOW level for each connected device (Including hysteresis) Noise margin at the HIGH level for each connected device (Including hysteresis) Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter Note: 1. All values referred to VIHmin and VILmax levels (see Table 37) 2. A device must Internally provide a hold time of at least 300 ns for the SDA signal (referred to the VIHmin of the SCL signal) to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL. 3. The maximum tHD; DAT has only to be met if the device does not stretch the LOW period (tLOW) of the SCL signal. 4. A Fast-mode I2C-bus device can be used in a Standard-mode I2C-bus system, but the requirement tSU; DAT 250 ns must then be met. This will automatically be the case if the device does not stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal. If such a device does stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal, it must output the next data bit to the SDA line trmax + tSU; DAT = 1000 + 250 = 1250 ns (according to the Standard-mode I2C-bus specification) before the SCL line is released. 5. Cb = total capacitance of one bus line in pF. If mixed with Hs-mode device, faster fall-times according to Table 38 allowed. n/a = not applicable (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 41 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 4.2.3 SUPPORTED TRANSACTIONS The supported types of transactions are shown below. Current Read S Dev Addr + R A Data 0 A Data 1 A A Data n A P Sequential Read S Dev Addr + W A Offset Addr A A Offset Addr A Sr Dev Addr + R A Data 0 Data 1 A A Data 1 A A Data n A P Sequential Write S Dev Addr + W from master to slave from slave to master Data 0 A A Data n A P S = start Sr= repeated start A = acknowledge A = not acknowledge P = stop Figure 13. I2C Slave Interface Supported Transactions Table 29: Description of I2C Slave Interface Supported Transactions Operation Description Current Read Reads a burst of data from a internal determined starting address, this starting address is equal to the last address accessed during the last read or write operation, incremented by one. If the address exceeds the address space, it will start from 0 again. Sequential Read Reads a burst of data from a specified address space. The starting address of the space is specified as offset address. Sequential Write Writes a burst of data to a specified address space, the starting address of the space is specified as offset address. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 42 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 5 JTAG This device is compliant with the IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan standard except the following: * The output boundary scan cells do not capture data from the core and the device does not support EXTEST instruction; * The TRST pin is set low by default and JTAG is disabled in order to be consistent with other manufacturers. The JTAG interface timing diagram is shown in 8V89307 Figure 14. tTCK TCK tS tH TMS TDI tD TDO Figure 14. JTAG Interface Timing Diagram Table 30: JTAG Timing Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min tTCK TCK period 100 ns ns tS TMS / TDI to TCK setup time 25 tH TCK to TMS / TDI Hold Time 25 tD TCK to TDO delay time (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Typ Max ns 50 43 Unit ns Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6 PROGRAMMING INFORMATION sequence. The register (04H) is configured first and the register (06H) is configured last. The three registers are configured continuously and should not be interrupted by any operation. The crystal calibration configuration will take effect after all the three registers are configured. During read operation, the register (04H) is read first and the register (06H) is read last. The crystal calibration reading should be continuous and not be interrupted by any operation. After reset, all the registers are set to their default values. The registers are read or written via the microprocessor interface. Before any write operation, the value in register PROTECTION_CNFG is recommended to be confirmed to make sure whether the write operation is enabled. The device provides 3 register protection modes: * Protected mode: no other registers can be written except register PROTECTION_CNFG itself; * Fully Unprotected mode: all the writable registers can be written; * Single Unprotected mode: one more register can be written besides register PROTECTION_CNFG. After write operation (not including writing a `1' to clear a bit to `0'), the device automatically switches to Protected mode. Certain bit locations within the device register map are designated as Reserved. To ensure proper and predictable operation, bits designated as Reserved must be set with their default values. 6.1 REGISTER MAP Table 31 depicts the register mapping. Table 32 depicts the register mapping for Page 1 registers. Page 1 is accessible only when PAGE_POINTER is set to '1' in the Page Pointer Configuration Register (address 2DH). When PAGE_POINTER is set to "0"', all registers in the range of addresses 30H through 6FH in Table 31 are selected for access and Page 1 registers in Table 40 cannot be accessed. Writing `0' to the registers will take no effect if the registers are cleared by writing `1'. The access of the Multi-word Registers is different from that of the Single-word Registers. Take the registers (04H, 05H and 06H) for an example, the write operation for the Multi-word Registers follows a fixed Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 0A Register Name ID[7:0] - Device ID 1 ID[15:8] - Device ID 2 MPU_PIN_STS MPU_MODE[2:0] Pins Status Reserved NOMINAL_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 1 NOMINAL_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG - Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 2 NOMINAL_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG - Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 3 PHASE_ALARM_TIME_OUT_CNFG - Phase Lock Alarm Time-Out Configuration INPUT_MODE_CNFG - Input Mode Configuration DIFFERENTIAL_IN_OUT_OSCI_CNFG Differential Input / Output Port & Master Clock Configuration Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Global Control Registers ID[7:0] ID[15:8] - - - - P 50 P 50 - - MPU_PIN_ST S[0] - P 50 Reserved[7:0] P 51 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] P 51 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[15:8] P 51 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:16] P 52 MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Reference Page TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] - - PH_ALARM_ TIMEOUT - - - - - 44 - P 52 IN_SONET_SDH - REVERTIVE_MODE P 53 OSC_EDGE OUT3_PECL_LVDS OUT2_PECL_LVDS P 53 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 0B 7E 7F 0C 0D 0E 10 11 16 18 19 1A 23 24 25 27 28 2D 2E Register Name Bit 7 MON_SW_HS_CNFG - FreFREQ_MON_ quency Monitor, Input Clock CLK Selection & HS Control PROTECTION_CNFG - Register Protection Mode Configuration MPU_SEL_CNFG - Microprocessor Interface Mode Configuration Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reference Page LOS_FLAG_TO_ TDO ULTR_FAST_SW - HS_FREZ HS_EN - FREQ_MON_HAR D_EN P 54 PROTECTION_DATA[7:0] - - - - P 54 - - MPU_SEL_ CNFG[0] Interrupt Registers INTERRUPT_CNFG - Interrupt HZ_EN INT_POL Configuration INTERRUPTS1_STS - Interrupt IN2 IN1 IN3 Status 1 INTERRUPTS2_STS - Interrupt OPERATING_- MAIN_REF Status 2 MODE _FAILED INTERRUPTS1_ENABLE_CNFG - Interrupt Control IN2 IN1 IN3 1 INTERRUPTS2_ENOPERATING_- MAIN_REF ABLE_CNFG - Interrupt Control MODE _FAILED 2 Input Clock Frequency & Priority Configuration Registers IN3_CNFG - Input Clock 3 ConDIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL[1:0] IN_FREQ[3:0] figuration IN1_IN2_HF_DIV_CNFG Input Clock 1 & 2 High FreIN2_DIV[1:0] IN1_DIV[1:0] quency Divider Configuration IN1_CNFG - Input Clock 1 ConDIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL[1:0] IN_FREQ[3:0] figuration IN2_CNFG - Input Clock 2 ConDIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL[1:0] IN_FREQ[3:0] figuration PRE_DIV_CH_CNFG - DivN PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] Divider Channel Selection PRE_DIVN[7:0]_CNFG - DivN Divider Division Factor ConfiguPRE_DIVN_VALUE[7:0] ration 1 PRE_DIVN[14:8]_CNFG - DivN Divider Division Factor ConfiguPRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8] ration 2 IN3_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG Input Clock 3 Priority ConfiguraIN3_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] tion * IN1_IN2_SEL_PRIORIIN2_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] IN1_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] TY_CNFG - Input Clock 1 & 2 Priority Configuration * PAGE_POINT PAGE_POINTER_CNFG ER Input Clock Quality Monitoring Configuration & Status Registers FREQ_MON_FACTOR_CNFG - Factor of Frequency Monitor FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] Configuration (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 45 P 55 P 56 P 56 P 57 P 57 P 58 P 59 P 60 P 61 P 62 P 63 P 63 P 64 P 64 P 65 P 66 P 66 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C Register Name HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG - Frequency Monitor Threshold for Hard Input Clocks Configuration SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG - Frequency Monitor Threshold for Soft Input Clocks Configuration UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 BUCKET_SIZE_0_CNFG Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 DECAY_RATE_0_CNFG Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 BUCKET_SIZE_1_CNFG Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 DECAY_RATE_1_CNFG Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 BUCKET_SIZE_2_CNFG Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 DECAY_RATE_2_CNFG Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reference Page HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] P 67 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] P 67 - - - - - - UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA[7:0] P 68 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA[7:0] P 68 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA[7:0] P 68 - - - - DECAY_RATE_0_DATA [1:0] P 69 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_DATA[7:0] P 69 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_DATA[7:0] P 69 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA[7:0] P 70 - - - - DECAY_RATE_1_DATA [1:0] P 70 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA[7:0] P 70 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA[7:0] P 71 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA[7:0] P 71 - 46 - - - DECAY_RATE_2_DATA [1:0] P 71 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 44 45 4A 4C 4E 4F 50 52 53 55 Register Name UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 BUCKET_SIZE_3_CNFG Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 DECAY_RATE_3_CNFG Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 IN_FREQ_READ_CH_CNFG Input Clock Frequency Read Channel Selection IN_FREQ_READ_STS - Input Clock Frequency Read Value Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_DATA[7:0] P 72 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_DATA[7:0] P 72 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA[7:0] P 72 - - - - - - - - - - DECAY_RATE_3_DATA [1:0] IN_FREQ_READ_CH[3:0] IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] 47 P 73 P 73 P 74 IN3_NO_ IN3_FRE- IN3_FREACTIVI- IN3_PH_LOC IN3_STS - Input Clock 3 Status Q_SOFT- Q_HARD_AL TY_ALAR K_ALARM _ALARM ARM M IN1_NO_ IN2_FRE- IN2_NO_AC- IN2_PH IN1_FRE- IN1_FREIN1_IN2_STS - Input Clock 1 & IN2_FREQ_ACTIVI- IN1_PH_LOC Q_HARD_A TIVI_LOCK_ Q_SOFT- Q_HARD_AL 2 Status SOFT_ALARM TY_ALAR K_ALARM LARM TY_ALARM ALARM _ALARM ARM M DPLL Input Clock Selection Registers INPUT_VALID1_STS - Input IN2 IN1 IN3 Clocks Validity 1 REMOTE_INPUT_VALIN1_VA IN3_VALID ID1_CNFG - Input Clocks ValidIN2_VALID LID ity Configuration 1 PRIORITY_TABLE1_STS - PriHIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT[3:0] ority Status 1 * PRIORITY_TABLE2_STS - PriTHIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] ority Status 2 * INPUT_SEL_CNFG - Selected INPUT_SEL[3:0] Input Clock Configuration DPLL State Machine Control Registers DPLL_SOFTOPERATING_STS - DPLL DPLL_LO _FREDPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] Operating Status CK Q_ALARM OPERATING_MODE_CNFG DPLL Operating Mode ConfiguOPERATING_MODE[2:0] ration DPLL & APLL Configuration Registers DPLL_APLL_PATH_CNFG GSM_OBSA12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL DPLL & APLL Path ConfiguraAPLL_PATH[3:0] I_16E1_16T1_SEL[1:0] [1:0] tion (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Reference Page P 74 P 75 P 76 P 76 P 77 P 78 P 78 P 79 P 79 P 80 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 62 63 64 65 66 Register Name DPLL_START_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Start Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration DPLL_ACQ_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Acquisition Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration DPLL_LOCKED_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Locked Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration BW_OVERSHOOT_CNFG DPLL Bandwidth Overshoot Configuration Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 DPLL_START_DAMPING[2:0] DPLL_START_BW[4:0] P 81 DPLL_ACQ_DAMPING[2:0] DPLL_ACQ_BW[4:0] P 82 DPLL_LOCKED_DAMPING[2:0] DPLL_LOCKED_BW[4:0] P 83 AUTO_BW_SEL PHASE_LOSS_COARSE_LIMCOARSE_PH_ IT_CNFG - Phase Loss Coarse LOS_LIMT_EN Detector Limit Configuration * - WIDE_EN - - MULMULTI_PH_ TI_PH_APP 8K_4K_ 2K_EN DPLL_LIM T - - - PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] PHASE_LOSS_FINE_LIMFINE_PH_LOS FAST_LOS IT_CNFG - Phase Loss Fine PH_LOS_FINE_LIMT[2:0] _LIMT_EN _SW Detector Limit Configuration * HOLDOVER_MODE_CNFG MAN_HOLDREAD_ TEMP_HOLDOVER_ DPLL Holdover Mode ConfiguAUTO_AVG FAST_AVG OVER AVG MODE[1:0] ration HOLDOVER_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG - DPLL HOLDOVER_FREQ[7:0] Holdover Frequency Configuration 1 HOLDOVER_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG - DPLL HOLDOVER_FREQ[15:8] Holdover Frequency Configuration 2 HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG - DPLL HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16] Holdover Frequency Configuration 3 CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[7:0]_STS - DPLL CurCURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[7:0] rent Frequency Status 1 * CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[15:8]_STS - DPLL CurCURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[15:8] rent Frequency Status 2 * CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16]_STS - DPLL CurCURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16] rent Frequency Status 3 * DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMFREIT_CNFG - DPLL Soft Limit Q_LIMT_PH_L DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMT[6:0] Configuration OS DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[7:0]_CNFG DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[7:0] DPLL Hard Limit Configuration 1 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Reference Page 48 P 84 P 85 P 86 P 87 P 87 P 88 P 88 P 88 P 89 P 89 P 89 P 90 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 31: Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 67 68 69 Register Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[15:8]_CNFG DPLL Hard Limit Configuration 2 CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[7:0]_STS - DPLL Current Phase Status 1 * CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[15:8]_STS - DPLL Current Phase Status 2 * Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Reference Page DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:8] P 90 CURRENT_PH_DATA[7:0] P 90 CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:8] P 90 Output Configuration Registers 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 OUT1_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 1 Frequency Configuration Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved OUT2_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 2 Frequency Configuration OUT3_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 3 Frequency Configuration OUT2-3_INV_CNFG - Output Clock2 and 3 Invert Configuration OUT1_INV_CNFG - Output Clock 1 Invert Configuration OUT1_PATH_SEL[3:0] OUT1_DIVIDER[3:0] P 92 Reserved [7:0] Reserved [7:0] Reserved [7:0] Reserved [7:0] P 92 P 92 P 93 P 93 OUT2_PATH_SEL[3:0] OUT2_DIVIDER[3:0] P 93 OUT3_PATH_SEL[3:0] OUT3_DIVIDER[3:0] P 94 - - - - - - OUT3_INV Reserved [7:1] OUT2_INV P 94 OUT1_INV P 95 - P 96 Phase Offset Control Registers 78 79 7A 7B PHASE_MON_CNFG - Phase IN_NOISE_WIN Transient Monitor Configuration DOW Reserved PHASE_OFFSET[7:0]_CNFG Phase Offset Configuration 1 PHASE_OFFSET[9:8]_CNFG PH_OFFPhase Offset Configuration 2 SET_EN - - - - - - - Reserved [7:0] P 51 PH_OFFSET[7:0] P 96 - - - - PH_OFFSET[9:8] P 97 Table 32: Page 1 Register List and Mapping Address (Hex) 30 31 32 33 Register Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 DFS_OFF_CNFG - Digital Frequency DFS_OFF[3] DFS_OFF [2] DFS_OFF[1] DFS_OFF [0] Reserved[3:0] Synthesizer Configuration PPS_CNFG - 1 Pulse Per Second PPS_PHASE[1:0] PPS_PULSE[3:0] Configuration PH_SLOPE_CNFG - Phase Slope PH_SLOPE[1:0] Limiting ICP_CTRL_CNFG_REG - APLL ICP_CTRL_CODE[4:0] Charge Pump Current Configuration (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 49 Bit 0 Reference Page P 97 P 98 - P 99 P 99 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2 REGISTER DESCRIPTION 6.2.1 GLOBAL CONTROL REGISTERS ID[7:0] - Device ID 1 Address: 00H Type: Read Default Value: 10010001 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3 ID2 ID1 ID0 Bit Name 7-0 ID[7:0] Description Refer to the description of the ID[15:8] bits (b7~0, 01H). ID[15:8] - Device ID 2 Address: 01H Type: Read Default Value: 00110011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ID15 ID14 ID13 ID12 ID11 ID10 ID9 ID8 Bit Name Description 7-0 ID[15:8] The value in the ID[15:0] bits are pre-set, representing the identification number for the 8V89307. MPU_PIN_STS - MPU_MODE[2:0] Pins Status Address: 02H Type: Read Default Value: XXXXXXXX 7 6 5 4 3 2 - - - - - - Bit Name 7-1 - 0 1 0 MPU_PIN_STS0 Description Reserved. This bit indicates the value of the MPU_MODE pin. The default value of this bit is determined by the MPU_MODE pin during reset. MPU_PIN_STS[0] 0: I2C mode 1: Serial mode (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 50 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Reserved Address: 03H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name Description 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Reserved. These bits must be set to 00111100 for normal operation. NOMINAL_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG - Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 1 Address: 04H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE7 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE6 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE5 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE4 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE3 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE2 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE1 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE0 Bit Name 7-0 Description NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] Refer to the description of the NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:16] bits (b7~0, 06H). NOMINAL_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG - Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 2 Address: 05H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE15 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE14 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE13 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE12 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE11 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE10 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE9 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE8 Bit 7-0 Name Description NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[15:8] Refer to the description of the NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:16] bits (b7~0, 06H). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 51 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet NOMINAL_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG - Crystal Oscillator Frequency Offset Calibration Configuration 3 Address: 06H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE23 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE22 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE21 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE20 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE19 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE18 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE17 NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE16 Bit Name 7-0 Description The NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:0] bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. If the value is multiplied by 0.0000884, the calibration value for the master clock in ppm will be gotten. For example, the frequency offset on OSCI is +3 ppm. Though -3 ppm should be compensated, the calibration value is NOMINAL_FREQ_VALUE[23:16] calculated as +3 ppm: 3 / 0.0000884 = 33937 (Dec.) = 8490 (Hex); So `008490' should be written into these bits. The calibration range is within 741 ppm. PHASE_ALARM_TIME_OUT_CNFG - Phase Lock Alarm Time-Out Configuration Address: 08H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00110010 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MULTI_FACTOR1 MULTI_FACTOR0 TIME_OUT_VA LUE5 TIME_OUT_VA LUE4 TIME_OUT_VA LUE3 TIME_OUT_VA LUE2 TIME_OUT_VA LUE1 TIME_OUT_VAL UE0 Bit 7-6 5-0 Name Description These bits determine a factor which has a relationship with a period in seconds. A phase lock alarm will be raised if the DPLL selected input clock is not locked in DPLL within this period. If the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `1', the phase lock alarm will be cleared after this period (starting from when the alarm is raised). Refer to the description of the TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] bits (b5~0, 08H). MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] 00: 2 (default) 01: 4 10: 8 11: 16 These bits represent an unsigned integer. If the value in these bits is multiplied by the value in the MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] bits (b7~6, 08H), a period in seconds will be gotten. TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] A phase lock alarm will be raised if the DPLL selected input clock is not locked in DPLL within this period. If the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `1', the phase lock alarm will be cleared after this period (starting from when the alarm is raised). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 52 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet INPUT_MODE_CNFG - Input Mode Configuration Address: 09H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 101000X0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT - - IN_SONET_SDH - REVERTIVE_MODE Bit Name 7-6 - Description Reserved This bit determines how to clear the phase lock alarm. 0: The phase lock alarm will be cleared when a `1' is written to the corresponding INn_PH_LOCK_ALARM bit (b4/0, PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT 43H~49H). 1: The phase lock alarm will be cleared after a period (= TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] (b5~0, 08H) X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] (b7~6, 08H) in second) which starts from when the alarm is raised. (default) Reserved This bit selects the SDH or SONET network type. 0: SDH. The DPLL required clock is 2.048 MHz when the IN_FREQ[3:0] bits (b3~0, 16H & 19H~1AH) are `0001'; the DPLL IN_SONET_SDH output from the 16E1/16T1 path is 16E1. 1: SONET. The DPLL required clock is 1.544 MHz when the IN_FREQ[3:0] bits (b3~0, 16H & 19H~1AH) are `0001'; the DPLL output from the 16E1/16T1 path is 16T1. Reserved This bit selects Revertive or Non-Revertive switching for the DPLL. REVERTIVE_MODE 0: Non-Revertive switching. (default) 1: Revertive switching. 5 4-3 2 1 0 DIFFERENTIAL_IN_OUT_OSCI_CNFG - Differential Input / Output Port & Master Clock Configuration Address: 0AH Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXX001 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - OSC_EDGE OUT3_PECL_LVDS OUT2_PECL_LVDS Bit Name 7-3 - 2 1 0 Description Reserved. This bit selects a better active edge of the master clock. OSC_EDGE 0: The rising edge. (default) 1: The falling edge. This bit selects a port technology for OUT3. OUT3_PECL_LVDS 0: LVDS. (default) 1: PECL. This bit selects a port technology for OUT2. OUT2_PECL_LVDS 0: LVDS. 1: PECL. (default) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 53 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet MON_SW_HS_CNFG - Frequency Monitor, Input Clock Selection & HS Control Address: 0BH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 100001X1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FREQ_MON_CLK LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO ULTR_FAST_SW - HS_FREZ HS_EN - FREQ_MON_HARD _EN Bit Name Description The bit selects a reference clock for input clock frequency monitoring. 0: The output of the DPLL. 1: The master clock. (default) The bit determines whether the interrupt of DPLL selected input clock fail - is reported by the TDO pin. 0: Not reported. TDO pin is used as JTAG test data output which complies with IEEE 1149.1. (default) LOS_FLAG_TO_TDO 1: Reported. TDO pin mimics the state of the MAIN_REF_FAILED bit (b6, 0EH) and does not strictly comply with IEEE 1149.1. This bit determines whether the DPLL selected input clock is valid when missing 2 consecutive clock cycles or more. ULTR_FAST_SW 0: Valid. (default) 1: Invalid. Reserved. This bit is valid only when the HS is enabled by the HS_EN bit (b2, 0BH). It determines whether HS is frozen at the current phase offset when a HS event is triggered. HS_FREZ 0: Not frozen. (default) 1: Frozen. Further HS events are ignored and the current phase offset is maintained. This bit determines whether HS is enabled when the DPLL selected input clock switch or the DPLL exiting from Holdover mode or Free-Run mode occurs. HS_EN 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. (default) Reserved. This bit determines whether the frequency hard alarm is enabled when the frequency of the input clock with respect to the reference clock is above the frequency hard alarm threshold. The reference clock can be the output of DPLL or the master FREQ_MON_HARD_EN clock, as determined by the FREQ_MON_CLK bit (b7, 0BH). 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. (default) 7 FREQ_MON_CLK 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PROTECTION_CNFG - Register Protection Mode Configuration Address: 7EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 10000101 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PROTECTION_DATA7 PROTECTION_DATA6 PROTECTION_DATA5 PROTECTION_DATA4 PROTECTION_DATA3 PROTECTION_DATA2 PROTECTION_DATA1 PROTECTION_DATA0 Bit 7-0 Name Description These bits select a register write protection mode. 00000000 - 10000100, 10000111 - 11111111: Protected mode. No other registers can be written except this register. PROTECTION_DATA[7:0] 10000101: Fully Unprotected mode. All the writable registers can be written. (default) 10000110: Single Unprotected mode. One more register can be written besides this register. After write operation (not including writing a `1' to clear the bit to `0'), the device automatically switches to Protected mode. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 54 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet MPU_SEL_CNFG - Microprocessor Interface Mode Configuration Address: 7FH Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXXXX 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - - MPU_SEL_CNFG Bit Name 7-3 - 0 Description Reserved. This bit selects a microprocessor interface mode: 0: I2C mode. MPU_SEL_CNFG[0] 1: Serial mode. The default value of this bit is determined by the MPU_MODE pin during reset. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 55 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.2 INTERRUPT REGISTERS INTERRUPT_CNFG - Interrupt Configuration Address: 0CH Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXX10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - HZ_EN INT_POL Bit Name Description 7-2 - 1 HZ_EN 0 INT_POL Reserved. This bit determines the output characteristics of the INT_REQ pin. 0: The output on the INT_REQ pin is high/low when the interrupt is active; the output is the opposite when the interrupt is inactive. 1: The output on the INT_REQ pin is high/low when the interrupt is active; the output is in high impedance state when the interrupt is inactive. (default) This bit determines the active level on the INT_REQ pin for an active interrupt indication. 0: Active low. (default) 1: Active high. INTERRUPTS1_STS - Interrupt Status 1 Address: 0DH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 11111111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - IN2 IN1 - IN3 - - Bit Name Description 7-6 - 5-4 INn 3 - 2 IN3 1-0 - Reserved This bit indicates the validity changes (from `valid' to `invalid' or from `invalid' to `valid') for the corresponding INn; i.e., whether there is a transition (from `0' to `1' or from `1' to `0') on the corresponding INn bit (b5~2, 4AH), 1<n<2. 0: Has not changed. 1: Has changed. (default) This bit is cleared by writing a `1'. Reserved This bit indicates the validity changes (from `valid' to `invalid' or from `invalid' to `valid') for the corresponding IN2; i.e., whether there is a transition (from `0' to `1' or from `1' to `0') on the corresponding IN3 bit (b5~2, 4AH). 0: Has not changed. 1: Has changed. (default) This bit is cleared by writing a `1'. Reserved (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 56 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet INTERRUPTS2_STS - Interrupt Status 2 Address: 0EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00111111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OPERATING_MODE MAIN_REF_FAILED - - - - - - Bit Name Description 7 OPERATING_MODE 6 MAIN_REF_FAILED 5-0 - This bit indicates the operating mode switch for the DPLL; i.e., whether the value in the DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] bits (b2~0, 52H) changes. 0: Has not switched. (default) 1: Has switched. This bit is cleared by writing a `1'. This bit indicates whether the DPLL selected input clock has failed. The DPLL selected input clock fails when its validity changes from `valid' to `invalid'; i.e., when there is a transition from `1' to `0' on the corresponding INn bit (4AH, 4BH). 0: Has not failed. (default) 1: Has failed. This bit is cleared by writing a `1'. Reserved INTERRUPTS1_ENABLE_CNFG - Interrupt Control 1 Address: 10H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - IN2 IN1 - IN3 - - Bit Name Description 7-6 - 5-4 INn 3 - 2 IN3 1-0 - Reserved This bit controls whether the interrupt is enabled to be reported on the INT_REQ pin when the input clock validity changes (from `valid' to `invalid' or from `invalid' to `valid'), i.e., when the corresponding INn bit (b5~2, 0DH) is `1', 1<n<2. 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. Reserved This bit controls whether the interrupt is enabled to be reported on the INT_REQ pin when the input clock validity changes (from `valid' to `invalid' or from `invalid' to `valid'), i.e., when the corresponding IN3 bit (b5~2, 0DH) is `1'. 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. Reserved (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 57 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet INTERRUPTS2_ENABLE_CNFG - Interrupt Control 2 Address: 11H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OPERATING_MODE MAIN_REF_FAILED - - - - - - Bit Name 7 OPERATING_MODE 6 MAIN_REF_FAILED 5-0 - Description This bit controls whether the interrupt is enabled to be reported on the INT_REQ pin when the DPLL operating mode switches, i.e., when the OPERATING_MODE bit (b7, 0EH) is `1'. 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. This bit controls whether the interrupt is enabled to be reported on the INT_REQ pin when the DPLL selected input clock has failed; i.e., when the MAIN_REF_FAILED bit (b6, 0EH) is `1'. 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. Reserved (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 58 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.3 INPUT CLOCK FREQUENCY & PRIORITY CONFIGURATION REGISTERS IN3_CNFG - Input Clock 3 Configuration Address: 16H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL1 BUCKET_SEL0 IN_FREQ3 IN_FREQ2 IN_FREQ1 IN_FREQ0 Bit Name Description 7 DIRECT_DIV Refer to the description of the LOCK_8K bit (b6, 16H). This bit, together with the DIRECT_DIV bit (b7, 16H), determines whether the DivN Divider or the Lock 8k Divider is used for IN3. 6 5-4 3-0 LOCK_8K DIRECT_DIV bit LOCK_8K bit Used Divider 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Both bypassed (default) Lock 8k Divider DivN Divider Reserved These bits select one of the four groups of leaky bucket configuration registers for IN3. 00: Group 0; the addresses of the configuration registers are 31H ~ 34H. (default) BUCKET_SEL[1:0] 01: Group 1; the addresses of the configuration registers are 35H ~ 38H. 10: Group 2; the addresses of the configuration registers are 39H ~ 3CH. 11: Group 3; the addresses of the configuration registers are 3DH ~ 40H. These bits set the DPLL required frequency for IN3. 0000: 8 kHz. (default) 0001: 1.544 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `1') / 2.048 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `0'). 0010: 6.48 MHz. 0011: 19.44 MHz. 0100: 25.92 MHz. 0101: 38.88 MHz. IN_FREQ[3:0] 0110 ~ 1000: Reserved. 1001: 2 kHz. 1010: 4 kHz. 1011: 1PPS. 1100: 6.25 MHz. 1101: 10MHz. 1110 ~ 1111: Reserved. For IN3, the required frequency should not be set higher than that clock. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 59 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN1_IN2_HF_DIV_CNFG - Input Clock 1 & 2 High Frequency Divider Configuration Address: 18H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00XXXX00 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IN2_DIV1 IN2_DIV0 - - - - IN1_DIV1 IN1_DIV0 Bit Name 7-6 IN2_DIV[1:0] 5-2 - 1-0 IN1_DIV[1:0] Description These bits determine whether the HF Divider is used and what the division factor is for IN2 frequency division. 00: Bypassed. (default) 01: Divided by 4. 10: Divided by 5. 11: Reserved. Reserved. These bits determine whether the HF Divider is used and what the division factor is for IN1 frequency division. 00: Bypassed. (default) 01: Divided by 4. 10: Divided by 5. 11: Reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 60 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN1_CNFG - Input Clock 1 Configuration Address: 19H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL1 BUCKET_SEL0 IN_FREQ3 IN_FREQ2 IN_FREQ1 IN_FREQ0 Bit Name Description 7 DIRECT_DIV Refer to the description of the LOCK_8K bit (b6, 19H). This bit, together with the DIRECT_DIV bit (b7, 19H), determines whether the DivN Divider or the Lock 8k Divider is used for IN1. 6 5-4 3-0 LOCK_8K DIRECT_DIV bit LOCK_8K bit Used Divider 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Both bypassed (default) Lock 8k Divider DivN Divider Reserved These bits select one of the four groups of leaky bucket configuration registers for IN1. 00: Group 0; the addresses of the configuration registers are 31H ~ 34H. (default) BUCKET_SEL[1:0] 01: Group 1; the addresses of the configuration registers are 35H ~ 38H. 10: Group 2; the addresses of the configuration registers are 39H ~ 3CH. 11: Group 3; the addresses of the configuration registers are 3DH ~ 40H. These bits set the DPLL required frequency for IN1. 0000: 8 kHz. 0001: 1.544 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `1') / 2.048 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `0'). 0010: 6.48 MHz. 0011: 19.44 MHz. (default) 0100: 25.92 MHz. 0101: 38.88 MHz. IN_FREQ[3:0] 0110 ~ 1000: Reserved. 1001: 2 kHz. 1010: 4 kHz. 1011: 1PPS. 1100: 6.25 MHz. 1101: 10MHz. 1110 ~ 1111: Reserved. The required frequency should not be set higher than that clock. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 61 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN2_CNFG - Input Clock 2 Configuration Address: 1AH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DIRECT_DIV LOCK_8K BUCKET_SEL1 BUCKET_SEL0 IN_FREQ3 IN_FREQ2 IN_FREQ1 IN_FREQ0 Bit Name Description 7 DIRECT_DIV Refer to the description of the LOCK_8K bit (b6, 1AH). This bit, together with the DIRECT_DIV bit (b7, 1AH), determines whether the DivN Divider or the Lock 8k Divider is used for IN2. 6 5-4 3-0 LOCK_8K DIRECT_DIV bit LOCK_8K bit Used Divider 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Both bypassed (default) Lock 8k Divider DivN Divider Reserved These bits select one of the four groups of leaky bucket configuration registers for IN2. 00: Group 0; the addresses of the configuration registers are 31H ~ 34H. (default) BUCKET_SEL[1:0] 01: Group 1; the addresses of the configuration registers are 35H ~ 38H. 10: Group 2; the addresses of the configuration registers are 39H ~ 3CH. 11: Group 3; the addresses of the configuration registers are 3DH ~ 40H. These bits set the DPLL required frequency for IN2. 0000: 8 kHz. 0001: 1.544 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `1') / 2.048 MHz (when the IN_SONET_SDH bit (b2, 09H) is `0'). 0010: 6.48 MHz. 0011: 19.44 MHz. (default) 0100: 25.92 MHz. 0101: 38.88 MHz. IN_FREQ[3:0] 0110 ~ 1000: Reserved. 1001: 2 kHz. 1010: 4 kHz. 1011: 1PPS. 1100: 6.25 MHz. 1101: 10 MHz. 1110 ~ 1111: Reserved. For IN2, the required frequency should not be set higher than that clock. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 62 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PRE_DIV_CH_CNFG - DivN Divider Channel Selection Address: 23H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXX0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE3 PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE2 PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE1 PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE0 Bit Name 7-4 - Description Reserved. This register is an indirect address register for Register 24H and 25H. These bits select an input clock. The value set in the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:0] bits (25H, 24H) is available for the selected input clock. 0000: Reserved. (default) 0001, 0010: Reserved. PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] 0011: IN3. 0100: Reserved. 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111 - 1111: Reserved. 3-0 PRE_DIVN[7:0]_CNFG - DivN Divider Division Factor Configuration 1 Address: 24H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE7 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE6 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE5 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE4 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE3 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE2 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE1 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE0 Bit Name 7-0 PRE_DIVN_VALUE[7:0] Description Refer to the description of the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8] bits (b6~0, 25H). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 63 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PRE_DIVN[14:8]_CNFG - DivN Divider Division Factor Configuration 2 Address: 25H Type: Read / Write Default Value: X0000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - PRE_DIVN_ VALUE14 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE13 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE12 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE11 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE10 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE9 PRE_DIVN_ VALUE8 Bit Name Description 7 - 6-0 PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8] Reserved. If the value in the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:0] bits is plus 1, the division factor for an input clock will be gotten. The input clock is selected by the PRE_DIV_CH_VALUE[3:0] bits (b3~0, 23H). A value from `0' to `4BEF' (Hex) can be written into, corresponding to a division factor from 1 to 19440. The others are reserved. So the DivN Divider only supports an input clock whose frequency is less than or equal to () 155.52 MHz. The division factor setting should observe the following order: 1. Write the lower eight bits of the division factor to the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[7:0] bits. 2. Write the higher eight bits of the division factor to the PRE_DIVN_VALUE[14:8] bits. IN3_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG - Input Clock 3 Priority Configuration * Address: 27H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01010100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - IN3_SEL_ PRIORITY3 IN3_SEL_ PRIORITY2 IN3_SEL_ PRIORITY1 IN3_SEL_ PRIORITY0 Bit Name 7-4 - 3-0 IN3_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description Reserved These bits set the priority of the corresponding IN3. 0000: Disable INn for automatic selection. 0001: Priority 1. 0010: Priority 2. 0011: Priority 3. 0100: Priority 4. (default) 0101: Priority 5. 0110: Priority 6. 0111: Priority 7. 1000: Priority 8. 1001: Priority 9. 1010: Priority 10. 1011: Priority 11. 1100: Priority 12. 1101: Priority 13. 1110: Priority 14. 1111: Priority 15. 64 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN1_IN2_SEL_PRIORITY_CNFG - Input Clock 1 & 2 Priority Configuration * Address: 28H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01110110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IN2_SEL_ PRIORITY3 IN2_SEL_ PRIORITY2 IN2_SEL_ PRIORITY1 IN2_SEL_ PRIORITY0 IN1_SEL_ PRIORITY3 IN1_SEL_ PRIORITY2 IN1_SEL_ PRIORITY1 IN1_SEL_ PRIORITY0 Bit Name 7-4 IN2_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] 3-0 IN1_SEL_PRIORITY[3:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description These bits set the priority of the corresponding IN2. 0000: Disable INn for automatic selection. 0001: Priority 1. 0010: Priority 2. 0011: Priority 3. 0100: Priority 4. 0101: Priority 5. 0110: Priority 6. 0111: Priority 7. (default) 1000: Priority 8. 1001: Priority 9. 1010: Priority 10. 1011: Priority 11. 1100: Priority 12. 1101: Priority 13. 1110: Priority 14. 1111: Priority 15. These bits set the priority of the corresponding IN1. 0000: Disable INn for automatic selection. 0001: Priority 1. 0010: Priority 2. 0011: Priority 3. 0100: Priority 4. 0101: Priority 5. 0110: Priority 6. (default) 0111: Priority 7. 1000: Priority 8. 1001: Priority 9. 1010: Priority 10. 1011: Priority 11. 1100: Priority 12. 1101: Priority 13. 1110: Priority 14. 1111: Priority 15. 65 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PAGE_POINTER_CNFG - Page Pointer Configuration Address: 2DH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - - PAGE_POINTER Bit Name 7-2 1 - 0 PAGE_POINTER 6.2.4 Description Reserved Reserved - must be set to 0 for normal operation Page pointer (0 default) 0: page0 can be operated 1: page1 can be operated INPUT CLOCK QUALITY MONITORING CONFIGURATION & STATUS REGISTERS FREQ_MON_FACTOR_CNFG - Factor of Frequency Monitor Configuration Address: 2EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXX1011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - FREQ_MON_ FACTOR3 FREQ_MON_ FACTOR2 FREQ_MON_ FACTOR1 FREQ_MON_ FACTOR0 Bit Name Description 7-4 - 3-0 FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] Reserved. These bits determine a factor. The factor has a relationship with the frequency hard alarm threshold in ppm (refer to the description of the HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:0] bits (b7~0, 2FH)) and with the frequency of the input clock with respect to the master clock in ppm (refer to the description of the IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] bits (b7~0, 42H)). The factor represents the accuracy of the frequency monitor and should be set according to the requirements of different applications. 0000: 0.0032. 0001: 0.0064. 0010: 0.0127. 0011: 0.0257. 0100: 0.0514. 0101: 0.103. 0110: 0.206. 0111: 0.412. 1000: 0.823. 1001: 1.646. 1010: 3.292. 1011: 3.81. (default) 1100 - 1111: 4.6. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 66 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG - Frequency Monitor Threshold for Hard Input Clocks Configuration Address: 2FH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00100011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD7 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD6 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD5 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD4 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD3 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD2 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD1 HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD0 Bit Name Description These bits are the accepting threshold of reference clock monitoring. The frequency hard alarm threshold in ppm is calculated as follows: Frequency Hard Alarm Threshold (ppm) = (HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] + 1) X HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] Q_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) This threshold is symmetrical about zero.A value of 0010 bin corresponds to an alarm limit of +/ppm. These bits are the rejecting threshold of reference clock monitoring. The frequency hard alarm threshold in ppm is calculated as follows: Frequency Hard Alarm Threshold (ppm) = (HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] + 1) X HARD_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] Q_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) This threshold is symmetrical about zero.A value of 0010 bin corresponds to an alarm limit of +/ppm. 7-4 3-0 FRE11.43 FRE11.43 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD_CNFG - Frequency Monitor Threshold for Soft Input Clocks Configuration Address: 30H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00100011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD7 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD6 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD5 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD4 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD3 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD2 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD1 SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD0 Bit 7-4 3-0 Name Description These bits are the accepting threshold of reference clock monitoring. The frequency soft alarm threshold in ppm is calculated as follows: Frequency Soft Alarm Threshold (ppm) = (SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] + SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[7:4] Q_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) This threshold is symmetrical about zero.A value of 0010 bin corresponds to an alarm limit ppm. These bits are the rejecting threshold of reference clock monitoring. The frequency soft alarm threshold in ppm is calculated as follows: Frequency Soft Alarm Threshold (ppm) = (SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] + SOFT_FREQ_MON_THRESHOLD[3:0] Q_MON_FACTOR[3:0] (b3~0, 2EH) This threshold is symmetrical about zero.A value of 0010 bin corresponds to an alarm limit ppm. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 67 1) X FREof +/- 11.43 1) X FREof +/- 11.43 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 Address: 31H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA7 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA6 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA5 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA4 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA3 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA2 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA1 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA[7:0] These bits set an upper threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is above this threshold, a no-activity alarm is raised. LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 Address: 32H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA7 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA6 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA5 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA4 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA3 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA2 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA1 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_0_DATA[7:0] These bits set a lower threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is below this threshold, the no-activity alarm is cleared. BUCKET_SIZE_0_CNFG - Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 Address: 33H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA7 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA6 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA5 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA4 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA3 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA2 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA1 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 BUCKET_SIZE_0_DATA[7:0] These bits set a bucket size for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. If the number of the accumulated events reach the bucket size, the accumulator will stop increasing even if further events are detected. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 68 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DECAY_RATE_0_CNFG - Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 0 Address: 34H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXX01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - DECAY_RATE_ 0_DATA1 DECAY_RATE_ 0_DATA0 Bit Name 7-2 - Description 1-0 DECAY_RATE_0_DATA[1:0] Reserved. These bits set a decay rate for the internal leaky bucket accumulator: 00: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 128 ms with no event detected. 01: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 256 ms with no event detected. (default) 10: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 512 ms with no event detected. 11: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 1024 ms with no event detected. UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 Address: 35H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA7 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA6 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA5 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA4 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA3 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA2 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA1 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_1_DATA[7:0] These bits set an upper threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is above this threshold, a no-activity alarm is raised. LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 Address: 36H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA7 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA6 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA5 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA4 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA3 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA2 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA1 LOWER_THRESHOLD_1_ DATA0 Bit 7-0 Name Description These bits set a lower threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumuLOWER_THRESHOLD_1_DATA[7:0] lated events is below this threshold, the no-activity alarm is cleared. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 69 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet BUCKET_SIZE_1_CNFG - Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 Address: 37H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA7 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA6 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA5 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA4 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA3 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA2 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA1 BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA0 Bit 7-0 Name Description BUCKET_SIZE_1_DATA[7:0] These bits set a bucket size for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. If the number of the accumulated events reach the bucket size, the accumulator will stop increasing even if further events are detected. DECAY_RATE_1_CNFG - Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 1 Address: 38H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXX01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - DECAY_RATE_ 1_DATA1 DECAY_RATE_ 1_DATA0 Bit Name 7-2 - Description 1-0 DECAY_RATE_1_DATA[1:0] Reserved. These bits set a decay rate for the internal leaky bucket accumulator: 00: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 128 ms with no event detected. 01: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 256 ms with no event detected. (default) 10: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 512 ms with no event detected. 11: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 1024 ms with no event detected. UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 Address: 39H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA7 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA6 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA5 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA4 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA3 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA2 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA1 UPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA0 Bit 7-0 Name Description These bits set an upper threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumuUPPER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA[7:0] lated events is above this threshold, a no-activity alarm is raised. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 70 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 Address: 3AH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA7 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA6 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA5 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA4 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA3 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA2 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA1 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_ DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_2_DATA[7:0] These bits set a lower threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is below this threshold, the no-activity alarm is cleared. BUCKET_SIZE_2_CNFG - Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 Address: 3BH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA7 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA6 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA5 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA4 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA3 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA2 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA1 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 BUCKET_SIZE_2_DATA[7:0] These bits set a bucket size for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. If the number of the accumulated events reach the bucket size, the accumulator will stop increasing even if further events are detected. DECAY_RATE_2_CNFG - Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 2 Address: 3CH Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXX01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - DECAY_RATE_ 2_DATA1 DECAY_RATE_ 2_DATA0 Bit Name 7-2 - 1-0 DECAY_RATE_2_DATA[1:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description Reserved. These bits set a decay rate for the internal leaky bucket accumulator: 00: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 128 ms with no event detected. 01: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 256 ms with no event detected. (default) 10: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 512 ms with no event detected. 11: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 1024 ms with no event detected. 71 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG - Upper Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 Address: 3DH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA7 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA6 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA5 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA4 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA3 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA2 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA1 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 UPPER_THRESHOLD_3_DATA[7:0] These bits set an upper threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is above this threshold, a no-activity alarm is raised. LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_CNFG - Lower Threshold for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 Address: 3EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA7 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA6 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA5 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA4 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA3 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA2 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA1 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_ DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 LOWER_THRESHOLD_3_DATA[7:0] These bits set a lower threshold for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. When the number of the accumulated events is below this threshold, the no-activity alarm is cleared. BUCKET_SIZE_3_CNFG - Bucket Size for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 Address: 3FH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA7 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA6 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA5 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA4 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA3 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA2 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA1 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA0 Bit Name Description 7-0 BUCKET_SIZE_3_DATA[7:0] These bits set a bucket size for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. If the number of the accumulated events reach the bucket size, the accumulator will stop increasing even if further events are detected. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 72 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DECAY_RATE_3_CNFG - Decay Rate for Leaky Bucket Configuration 3 Address: 40H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXXXX01 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - DECAY_RATE_ 3_DATA1 DECAY_RATE_ 3_DATA0 Bit Name 7-2 - 1-0 DECAY_RATE_3_DATA[1:0] Description Reserved. These bits set a decay rate for the internal leaky bucket accumulator. 00: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 128 ms with no event detected. 01: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 256 ms with no event detected. (default) 10: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 512 ms with no event detected. 11: The accumulator decreases by 1 in every 1024 ms with no event detected. IN_FREQ_READ_CH_CNFG - Input Clock Frequency Read Channel Selection Address: 41H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXX0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - IN_FREQ_READ_CH3 IN_FREQ_READ_CH2 IN_FREQ_READ_CH1 IN_FREQ_READ_CH0 Bit Name 7-4 - 3-0 IN_FREQ_READ_CH[3:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description Reserved. These bits select an input clock, the frequency of which with respect to the reference clock can be read. 0000: Reserved. (default) 0001- 0010: reserved. 0011: IN3. 0100:Reserved. 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111 - 1111: reserved. 73 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN_FREQ_READ_STS - Input Clock Frequency Read Value Address: 42H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IN_FREQ_ VALUE7 IN_FREQ_ VALUE6 IN_FREQ_ VALUE5 IN_FREQ_ VALUE4 IN_FREQ_ VALUE3 IN_FREQ_ VALUE2 IN_FREQ_ VALUE1 IN_FREQ_ VALUE0 Bit Name 7-0 Description These bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. If the value is multiplied by the value in the FREQ_MON_FACTOR[3:0] bits (b3~0, 2EH), the frequency of an input clock with respect to the reference clock in ppm will be gotten. The IN_FREQ_VALUE[7:0] input clock is selected by the IN_FREQ_READ_CH[3:0] bits (b3~0, 41H). The value in these bits is updated every 16 seconds, starting when an input clock is selected. IN3_STS - Input Clock 3 Status Address: 44H Type: Read Default Value: 01100110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - IN3_FREQ_ SOFT_ALARM IN3_FREQ_ HARD_ALARM IN3_NO_ ACTIVITY_ALARM IN3_PH_LOCK_ ALARM Bit Name Description 7-4 - 3 IN3_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM 2 IN3_FREQ_HARD_ALARM 1 IN3_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM 0 IN3_PH_LOCK_ALARM Reserved This bit indicates whether IN3 is in frequency soft alarm status. 0: Input frequency within soft accept region. 1: Input frequency over the soft reject region. This bit indicates whether IN3 is in frequency hard alarm status. 0: Input frequency within hard accept region. 1: Input frequency over the hard reject region. This bit indicates whether IN3 is in no-activity alarm status. 0: No no-activity alarm. 1: In no-activity alarm status. (default) This bit indicates whether IN3 is in phase lock alarm status. 0: No phase lock alarm. (default) 1: In phase lock alarm status. If the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `0', this bit is cleared by writing `1' to this bit; if the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `1', this bit is cleared after a period (= TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] (b5~0, 08H) X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] (b7~6, 08H) in second) which starts from when the alarm is raised. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 74 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet IN1_IN2_STS - Input Clock 1 & 2 Status Address: 45H Type: Read Default Value: 01100110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IN2_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM IN2_FREQ_HARD_ALAR M IN2_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM IN2_PH_LOCK_ ALARM IN1_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM IN1_FREQ_HARD_ALAR M IN1_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM IN1_PH_LOCK_ ALARM Bit Name 7 IN2_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM 6 IN2_FREQ_HARD_ALARM 5 IN2_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM 4 IN2_PH_LOCK_ALARM 3 IN1_FREQ_SOFT_ALARM 2 IN1_FREQ_HARD_ALARM 1 IN1_NO_ACTIVITY_ALARM 0 IN1_PH_LOCK_ALARM (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description This bit indicates whether IN2 is in frequency soft alarm status. 0: Input frequency within soft accept region. 1: Input frequency over the soft reject region. This bit indicates whether IN2 is in frequency hard alarm status. 0: Input frequency within hard accept region. 1: Input frequency over the hard reject region. This bit indicates whether IN2 is in no-activity alarm status. 0: No no-activity alarm. 1: In no-activity alarm status. (default) This bit indicates whether IN2 is in phase lock alarm status. 0: No phase lock alarm. (default) 1: In phase lock alarm status. If the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `0', this bit is cleared by writing `1' to this bit; if the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `1', this bit is cleared after a period (= TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] (b5~0, 08H) X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] (b7~6, 08H) in second) which starts from when the alarm is raised. This bit indicates whether IN1 is in frequency soft alarm status. 0: Input frequency within soft accept region. 1: Input frequency over the soft reject region. This bit indicates whether IN1 is in frequency hard alarm status. 0: Input frequency within hard accept region. 1: Input frequency over the hard reject region. This bit indicates whether IN1 is in no-activity alarm status. 0: No no-activity alarm. 1: In no-activity alarm status. (default) This bit indicates whether IN1 is in phase lock alarm status. 0: No phase lock alarm. (default) 1: In phase lock alarm status. If the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `0', this bit is cleared by writing `1' to this bit; if the PH_ALARM_TIMEOUT bit (b5, 09H) is `1', this bit is cleared after a period (= TIME_OUT_VALUE[5:0] (b5~0, 08H) X MULTI_FACTOR[1:0] (b7~6, 08H) in second) which starts from when the alarm is raised. 75 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.5 IDPLL INPUT CLOCK SELECTION REGISTERS INPUT_VALID1_STS - Input Clocks Validity 1 Address: 4AH Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - IN2 IN1 - IN3 - - Bit Name 7-6 - 5-4 INn 3 - 2 IN3 1-0 - Description Reserved This bit indicates the validity of the corresponding INn., 2<n<1. 0: Invalid. (default) 1: Valid. Reserved This bit indicates the validity of the corresponding IN3. 0: Invalid. (default) 1: Valid. Reserved REMOTE_INPUT_VALID1_CNFG - Input Clocks Validity Configuration 1 Address: 4CH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 11111111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - IN2_VALID IN1_VALID - IN3_VALID - - Bit Name 7-6 - 5-4 INn_VALID 3 - 2 IN3_VALID 1-0 - Description Reserved. This bit controls whether the corresponding INn, 1<n<2, is allowed to be locked for automatic selection. 0: Enabled. 1: Disabled. (default) Reserved. This bit controls whether the corresponding IN3 is allowed to be locked for automatic selection. 0: Enabled. 1: Disabled. (default) Reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 76 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PRIORITY_TABLE1_STS - Priority Status 1 * Address: 4EH Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED3 HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED2 HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED1 HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED0 CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT3 CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT2 CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT1 CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT0 Bit 7-4 3-0 Name Description These bits indicate a qualified input clock with the highest priority. 0000: No input clock is qualified. (default) 0001-0010: Reserved. 0011: IN3. HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] 0100: Reserved. 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111- 1111: Reserved. Note that the input clock is indicated by these bits only when the corresponding INn (b5-2, 4CH) bit is `0'. These bits indicate the selected input clock. 0000: No input clock is selected (default) 0001-0010: Reserved. 0011: IN3. CURRENTLY_SELECTED_INPUT[3:0] 0100: Reserved. 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111-1111: Reserved. Note that the input clock is indicated by these bits only when the corresponding INn (b5-2, 4CH) bit is `0'. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 77 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PRIORITY_TABLE2_STS - Priority Status 2 * Address: 4FH Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 THIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED 3 THIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED 2 THIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED 1 THIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED 0 SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY _VALIDATED3 SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY _VALIDATED2 SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY _VALIDATED1 SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY _VALIDATED0 Bit Name Description These bits indicate a qualified input clock with the third highest priority. 0000: No input clock is qualified. (default) 0001-0010: Reserved. 0011: IN3. 0100: Reserved. THIRD_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111- 1111: Reserved. Note that the input clock is indicated by these bits only when the corresponding INn (b5-2, 4CH) bit is `0'. These bits indicate a qualified input clock with the second highest priority. 0000: No input clock is qualified. (default) 0001-0010: Reserved. 0011: IN3. 0100: Reserved. SECOND_HIGHEST_PRIORITY_VALIDATED[3:0] 0101: IN1. 0110: IN2. 0111- 1111: Reserved. Note that the input clock is indicated by these bits only when the corresponding INn (b5-2, 4CH) bit is `0'. 7-4 3-0 INPUT_SEL_CNFG - Selected Input Clock Configuration Address: 50H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXX0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - INPUT_SEL3 INPUT_SEL2 INPUT_SEL1 INPUT_SEL0 Bit Name 7-4 - 3-0 INPUT_SEL[3:0] Description Reserved. This bit determines DPLL input clock selection. 0000: Automatic selection. (default) 0001- 0010: Reserved. 0011: Forced selection - IN3 is selected. 0100: Reserved. 0101: Forced selection - IN1 is selected. 0110: Forced selection - IN2 is selected. 0111 - 1111: Reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 78 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.6 DPLL STATE MACHINE CONTROL REGISTERS OPERATING_STS - DPLL Operating Status Address: 52H Type: Read Default Value: 10000001 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - DPLL_SOFT_FREQ_ALARM - DPLL_LOCK DPLL_OPERATING_MODE2 DPLL_OPERATING_MODE1 DPLL_OPERATING_MODE0 Bit Name Description 7-6 - 5 DPLL_SOFT_FREQ_ALARM 4 - 3 DPLL_LOCK 2-0 DPLL_OPERATING_MODE[2:0] Reserved This bit indicates whether the DPLL is in soft alarm status. 0: No DPLL soft alarm. (default) 1: In DPLL soft alarm status. Reserved This bit indicates the DPLL locking status. 0: Unlocked. (default) 1: Locked. These bits indicate the current operating mode of DPLL. 000: Reserved. 001: Free-Run. (default) 010: Holdover. 011: Reserved. 100: Locked. 101: Pre-Locked2. 110: Pre-Locked. 111: Lost-Phase. OPERATING_MODE_CNFG - DPLL Operating Mode Configuration Address: 53H Type: Read / Write Default Value: XXXX0000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - OPERATING_MODE2 OPERATING_MODE1 OPERATING_MODE0 Bit Name 7-3 - 2-0 OPERATING_MODE[2:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description Reserved. These bits control the DPLL operating mode. 000: Automatic. (default) 001: Forced - Free-Run. 010: Forced - Holdover. 011: Reserved. 100: Forced - Locked. 101: Forced - Pre-Locked2. 110: Forced - Pre-Locked. 111: Forced - Lost-Phase. 79 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.7 DPLL & APLL CONFIGURATION REGISTERS DPLL_APLL_PATH_CNFG - DPLL & APLL Path Configuration Address: 55H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 APLL_PATH3 APLL_PATH2 APLL_PATH1 APLL_PATH0 GSM_OBSAI_ 16E1_16T1_SEL1 GSM_OBSAI_ 16E1_16T1_SEL0 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL1 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL0 Bit Name 7-4 APLL_PATH[3:0] 3-2 GSM_OBSAI_16E1_16T1_SEL[1:0] 1-0 12E1_GPS_E3_T3_SEL[1:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description These bits select reference clock path and output clock rate of the APLL. 0000: Lock to DPLL, output 622.08 MHz (default) 0001- 0111: Reserved 1000: Lock to DPLL, output 625 MHz 1001: Lock to DPLL, output 625 MHz*66/64 1010-1111: Reserved. These bits select an output clock from the DPLL GSM/OBSAI/16E1/16T1 path. 00: 16E1. 01: 16T1. 10: GSM. 11: OBSAI. These bits select an output clock from the DPLL 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 path. 00: 12E1. 01: GPS 10: E3. 11: T3. 80 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DPLL_START_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Start Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration Address: 56H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01101111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPLL_START_ DAMPING2 DPLL_START_ DAMPING1 DPLL_START_ DAMPING0 DPLL_START_ BW4 DPLL_START_ BW3 DPLL_START_ BW2 DPLL_START_ BW1 DPLL_START_ BW0 Bit Name 7-5 DPLL_START_DAMPING[2:0] 4-0 DPLL_START_BW[4:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description These bits set the starting damping factor for DPLL. 000: Reserved. 001: 1.2. 010: 2.5. 011: 5. (default) 100: 10. 101: 20. 110, 111: Reserved. These bits set the starting bandwidth for DPLL. 00000- 00100: Reserved 00101: 15 mHz. 00110: 30 mHz. 00111: 60 mHz. 01000: 0.1 Hz. 01001: 0.3 Hz. 01010: 0.6 Hz. 01011: 1.2 Hz. 01100: 2.5 Hz. 01101: 4 Hz. 01110: 8 Hz. 01111: 18 Hz. (default) 10000: 35 Hz. 10001: 70 Hz. 10010: 560 Hz. 10011 ~ 11111: Reserved. 81 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DPLL_ACQ_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Acquisition Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration Address: 57H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01101111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPLL_ACQ_ DAMPING2 DPLL_ACQ_ DAMPING1 DPLL_ACQ_ DAMPING0 DPLL_ACQ_ BW4 DPLL_ACQ_ BW3 DPLL_ACQ_ BW2 DPLL_ACQ_ BW1 DPLL_ACQ_ BW0 Bit Name 7-5 DPLL_ACQ_DAMPING[2:0] 4-0 DPLL_ACQ_BW[4:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description These bits set the acquisition damping factor for DPLL. 000: Reserved. 001: 1.2. 010: 2.5. 011: 5. (default) 100: 10. 101: 20. 110, 111: Reserved. These bits set the acquisition bandwidth for DPLL. 00000 - 00100: Reserved 00101: 15 mHz. 00110: 30 mHz. 00111: 60 mHz. 01000: 0.1 Hz. 01001: 0.3 Hz. 01010: 0.6 Hz. 01011: 1.2 Hz. 01100: 2.5 Hz. 01101: 4 Hz. 01110: 8 Hz. 01111: 18 Hz. (default) 10000: 35 Hz. 10001: 70 Hz. 10010: 560 Hz. 10011 ~ 11111: Reserved. 82 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DPLL_LOCKED_BW_DAMPING_CNFG - DPLL Locked Bandwidth & Damping Factor Configuration Address: 58H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01101011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPLL_LOCKED _DAMPING2 DPLL_LOCKED _DAMPING1 DPLL_LOCKED _DAMPING0 DPLL_LOCKED _BW4 DPLL_LOCKED _BW3 DPLL_LOCKED _BW2 DPLL_LOCKED _BW1 DPLL_LOCKED _BW0 Bit Name 7-5 DPLL_LOCKED_DAMPING[2:0] 4-0 DPLL_LOCKED_BW[4:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description These bits set the locked damping factor for DPLL. 000: Reserved. 001: 1.2. 010: 2.5. 011: 5. (default) 100: 10. 101: 20. 110, 111: Reserved. These bits set the locked bandwidth for DPLL. 00000 - 00100: Reserved 00101: 15 mHz. 00110: 30 mHz. 00111: 60 mHz. 01000: 0.1 Hz. 01001: 0.3 Hz. 01010: 0.6 Hz. 01011: 1.2 Hz. (default) 01100: 2.5 Hz. 01101: 4 Hz. 01110: 8 Hz. 01111: 18 Hz. 10000: 35 Hz. 10001: 70 Hz. 10010: 560 Hz. 10011 ~ 11111: Reserved. 83 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet BW_OVERSHOOT_CNFG - DPLL Bandwidth Overshoot Configuration Address: 59H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 1XXX1XXX 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AUTO_BW_SEL - - - DPLL_LIMT - - - Bit 7 6-4 3 2-0 Name Description This bit determines whether starting or acquisition bandwidth / damping factor is used for the DPLL. 0: The starting and acquisition bandwidths / damping factors are not used. Only the locked bandwidth / damping factor is used AUTO_BW_SEL regardless of the DPLL locking stage. 1: The starting, acquisition or locked bandwidth / damping factor is used automatically depending on different DPLL locking stages. (default) Reserved. This bit determines whether the integral path value is frozen when the DPLL hard limit is reached. DPLL_LIMT 0: Not frozen. 1: Frozen. It will minimize the subsequent overshoot when DPLL is pulling in. (default) Reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 84 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PHASE_LOSS_COARSE_LIMIT_CNFG - Phase Loss Coarse Detector Limit Configuration * Address: 5AH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 10000101 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 COARSE_PH_L OS_LIMT_EN WIDE_EN MULTI_PH_APP MULTI_PH_8K_4K_ 2K_EN PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT 3 PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT 2 PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT 1 PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT 0 Bit 7 6 5 Name Description This bit controls whether the occurrence of the coarse phase loss will result in the DPLL unlocked. COARSE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. (default) WIDE_EN Refer to the description of the MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN bit (b4, 5AH). This bit determines whether the PFD output of the DPLL is limited to 1 UI or is limited to the coarse phase limit. 0: Limited to 1 UI. (default) 1: Limited to the coarse phase limit. When the selected input clock is of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz, the coarse phase limit MULTI_PH_APP depends on the MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN bit, the WIDE_EN bit and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits; when the selected input clock is of other frequencies but 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz, the coarse phase limit depends on the WIDE_EN bit and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits. Refer to the description of the MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN bit (b4, 5AH) for details. This bit, together with the WIDE_EN bit (b6, 5AH) and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits (b3~0, 5AH), determines the coarse phase limit when the selected input clock is of 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz. When the selected input clock is of other frequencies but 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz, the coarse phase limit depends on the WIDE_EN bit and the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits. Selected Input Clock MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN WIDE_EN 4 0 MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN 2 kHz, 4 kHz or 8 kHz other than 2 kHz, 4 kHz and 8 kHz 3-0 1 don't-care 0 1 0 don't-care 1 Coarse Phase Limit 1 UI 1 UI set by the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits (b3~0, 5AH). 1 UI set by the PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] bits (b3~0, 5AH). These bit set the coarse phase limit. The limit is used only in some cases. Refer to the description of the MULTI_PH_8K_4K_2K_EN bit (b4, 5AH). 0000: 1 UI. 0001: 3 UI. 0010: 7 UI. 0011: 15 UI. PH_LOS_COARSE_LIMT[3:0] 0100: 31 UI. 0101: 63 UI. (default) 0110: 127 UI. 0111: 255 UI. 1000: 511 UI. 1001: 1023 UI. 1010-1111: Reserved. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 85 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PHASE_LOSS_FINE_LIMIT_CNFG - Phase Loss Fine Detector Limit Configuration * Address: 5BH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 10XXX010 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FINE_PH_LOS_ LIMT_EN FAST_LOS_SW - - - PH_LOS_FINE _LIMT2 PH_LOS_FINE _LIMT1 PH_LOS_FINE _LIMT0 Bit Name 7 FINE_PH_LOS_LIMT_EN 6 FAST_LOS_SW 5-3 - 2-0 PH_LOS_FINE_LIMT[2:0] Description This bit controls whether the occurrence of the fine phase loss will result in the DPLL unlocked. 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. (default) This bit controls whether the occurrence of the fast loss will result in the DPLL unlocked. 0: Does not result in the DPLL unlocked. The DPLL will enter Temp-Holdover mode automatically. (default) 1: Results in the DPLL unlocked. The DPLL will enter Lost-Phase mode if the DPLL operating mode is switched automatically. Reserved. These bits set a fine phase limit. 000: 0. 001: (45 ~ 90 ). 010: (90 ~ 180 ). (default) 011: (180 ~ 360 ). 100: (20 ns ~ 25 ns). 101: (60 ns ~ 65 ns). 110: (120 ns ~ 125 ns). 111: (950 ns ~ 955 ns). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 86 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet HOLDOVER_MODE_CNFG - DPLL Holdover Mode Configuration Address: 5CH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 010001XX 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MAN_HOLDOVER AUTO_AVG FAST_AVG READ_AVG TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE1 TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE0 - - Bit Name Description 7 6 MAN_HOLDOVER AUTO_AVG Refer to the description of the FAST_AVG bit (b5, 5CH). Refer to the description of the FAST_AVG bit (b5, 5CH). This bit, together with the AUTO_AVG bit (b6, 5CH) and the MAN_HOLDOVER bit (b7, 5CH), determines a frequency offset acquiring method in DPLL Holdover Mode. MAN_HOLDOVER 5 AUTO_AVG FAST_AVG Frequency Offset Acquiring Method 0 don't-care 0 1 Automatic Instantaneous Automatic Slow Averaged (default) Automatic Fast Averaged Manual FAST_AVG 0 1 1 don't-care This bit controls the holdover frequency offset reading, which is read from the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits (5FH ~ 5DH). 0: The value read from the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits (5FH ~ 5DH) is equal to the one written to them. (default) READ_AVG 1: The value read from the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits (5FH ~ 5DH) is not equal to the one written to them. The value is acquired by Automatic Slow Averaged method if the FAST_AVG bit (b5, 5CH) is `0'; or is acquired by Automatic Fast Averaged method if the FAST_AVG bit (b5, 5CH) is `1'. These bits determine the frequency offset acquiring method in DPLL Temp-Holdover Mode. 00: The method is the same as that used in DPLL Holdover mode. TEMP_HOLDOVER_MODE[1:0] 01: Automatic Instantaneous. (default) 10: Automatic Fast Averaged. 11: Automatic Slow Averaged. Reserved. 4 3-2 1-0 HOLDOVER_FREQ[7:0]_CNFG - DPLL Holdover Frequency Configuration 1 Address: 5DH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HOLDOVER_ FREQ7 HOLDOVER_ FREQ6 HOLDOVER_ FREQ5 HOLDOVER_ FREQ4 HOLDOVER_ FREQ3 HOLDOVER_ FREQ2 HOLDOVER_ FREQ1 HOLDOVER_ FREQ0 Bit Name 7-0 HOLDOVER_FREQ[7:0] Description Refer to the description of the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16] bits (b7~0, 5FH). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 87 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet HOLDOVER_FREQ[15:8]_CNFG - DPLL Holdover Frequency Configuration 2 Address: 5EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HOLDOVER_ FREQ15 HOLDOVER_ FREQ14 HOLDOVER_ FREQ13 HOLDOVER_ FREQ12 HOLDOVER_ FREQ11 HOLDOVER_ FREQ10 HOLDOVER_ FREQ9 HOLDOVER_ FREQ8 Bit Name 7-0 HOLDOVER_FREQ[15:8] Description Refer to the description of the HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16] bits (b7~0, 5FH). HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16]_CNFG - DPLL Holdover Frequency Configuration 3 Address: 5FH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HOLDOVER_ FREQ23 HOLDOVER_ FREQ22 HOLDOVER_ FREQ21 HOLDOVER_ FREQ20 HOLDOVER_ FREQ19 HOLDOVER_ FREQ18 HOLDOVER_ FREQ17 HOLDOVER_ FREQ16 Bit Name Description The HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:0] bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. 7-0 HOLDOVER_FREQ[23:16] The value read from these bits multiplied by 0.000011 is the frequency offset automatically slow or fast averaged or manually set, as determined by the READ_AVG bit (b4, 5CH) and the FAST_AVG bit (b5, 5CH). CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[7:0]_STS - DPLL Current Frequency Status 1 * Address: 62H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ7 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ6 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ5 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ4 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ3 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ2 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ1 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ0 Bit 7-0 Name Description CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[7:0] Refer to the description of the CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16] bits (b7~0, 64H). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 88 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[15:8]_STS - DPLL Current Frequency Status 2 * Address: 63H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ15 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ14 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ13 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ12 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ11 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ10 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ9 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ8 Bit Name 7-0 Description CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[15:8] Refer to the description of the CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16] bits (b7~0, 64H). CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16]_STS - DPLL Current Frequency Status 3 * Address: 64H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ23 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ22 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ21 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ20 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ19 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ18 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ17 CURRENT_ DPLL_FREQ16 Bit Name Description The CURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:0] bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. If the value in these bits is mulCURRENT_DPLL_FREQ[23:16] tiplied by 0.000011, the current frequency offset of the DPLL output in ppm with respect to the master clock will be gotten. 7-0 DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMIT_CNFG - DPLL Soft Limit Configuration Address: 65H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 10001100 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FREQ_LIMT_ PH_LOS DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT6 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT5 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT4 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT3 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT2 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT1 DPLL_FREQ_ SOFT_LIMT0 Bit Name 7 FREQ_LIMT_PH_LOS 6-0 DPLL_FREQ_SOFT_LIMT[6:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description This bit determines whether the DPLL in hard alarm status will result in it unlocked. 0: Disabled. 1: Enabled. (default) These bits represent an unsigned integer. If the value is multiplied by 0.724, the DPLL soft limit for the DPLL in ppm will be gotten. The DPLL soft limit is symmetrical about zero. 89 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[7:0]_CNFG - DPLL Hard Limit Configuration 1 Address: 66H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 10101011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT7 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT6 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT5 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT4 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT3 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT2 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT1 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT0 Bit Name 7-0 DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[7:0] Description Refer to the description of the DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:8] bits (b7~0, 67H). DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMIT[15:8]_CNFG - DPLL Hard Limit Configuration 2 Address: 67H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00011001 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT15 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT14 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT13 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT12 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT11 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT10 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT9 DPLL_FREQ_ HARD_LIMT8 Bit Name 7-0 Description The DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:0] bits represent an unsigned integer. If the value is multiplied by 0.0014, the DPLL_FREQ_HARD_LIMT[15:8] DPLL hard limit for the DPLL in ppm will be gotten. The DPLL hard limit is symmetrical about zero. CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[7:0]_STS - DPLL Current Phase Status 1 * Address: 68H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURRENT_PH_DATA7 CURRENT_PH_DATA6 CURRENT_PH_DATA5 CURRENT_PH_DATA4 CURRENT_PH_DATA3 CURRENT_PH_DATA2 CURRENT_PH_DATA1 CURRENT_PH_DATA0 Bit Name 7-0 CURRENT_PH_DATA[7:0] (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Description Refer to the description of the CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:8] bits (b7~0, 69H). 90 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet CURRENT_DPLL_PHASE[15:8]_STS - DPLL Current Phase Status 2 * Address: 69H Type: Read Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CURRENT_PH_DATA15 CURRENT_PH_DATA14 CURRENT_PH_DATA13 CURRENT_PH_DATA12 CURRENT_PH_DATA11 CURRENT_PH_DATA10 CURRENT_PH_DATA9 CURRENT_PH_DATA8 Bit 7-0 Name Description The CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:0] bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. If the value is multiplied by 0.61, the CURRENT_PH_DATA[15:8] averaged phase error of the DPLL feedback with respect to the selected input clock in ns will be gotten. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 91 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.8 OUTPUT CONFIGURATION REGISTERS OUT1_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 1 Frequency Configuration Address: 6BH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001011 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OUT1_PATH_ SEL3 OUT1_PATH_ SEL2 OUT1_PATH_ SEL1 OUT1_PATH_ SEL0 OUT1_DIVIDER3 OUT1_DIVIDER2 OUT1_DIVIDER1 OUT1_DIVIDER0 Bit Name Description 7-4 OUT1_PATH_SEL[3:0] 3-0 OUT1_DIVIDER[3:0] These bits select an input to OUT1. 0000 ~ 0010: The output of APLL. (default: 0000) 0011: DPLL ETH path 0100: The output of DPLL 77.76 MHz path. 0101: The output of DPLL 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 path. 0110: The output of DPLL 16E1/16T1 path. 0111: The output of DPLL GSM/OBSAI/16E1/16T1 path. 1000 ~ 1111: Reserved These bits select a division factor of the divider for OUT1. The output frequency is determined by the division factor and the signal derived from the DPLL or from the APLL output (selected by the OUT1_PATH_SEL[3:0] bits (b7~4, 6BH)). If the signal is derived from one of the DPLL outputs, please refer to Table 20 for the division factor selection. If the signal is derived from the APLL output, please refer to Table 21 for the division factor selection. OUT1 default frequency is 12.96MHz. Reserved Address: 6CH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name Description 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Reserved. These bits must be set to 00000000 for normal operation. Reserved Address: 6DH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Description Reserved. These bits must be set to 00000000 for normal operation. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 92 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Reserved Address: 6EH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name Description 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Reserved. These bits must be set to 00000000 for normal operation. Reserved Address: 6FH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000100 7 6 5 4 3 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Description Reserved. These bits must be set to 00000000 for normal operation. OUT2_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 2 Frequency Configuration Address:70H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OUT2_PATH_SEL3 OUT2_PATH_SEL2 OUT2_PATH_SEL1 OUT2_PATH_SEL0 OUT2_DIVIDER3 OUT2_DIVIDER2 OUT2_DIVIDER1 OU26_DIVIDER0 Bit Name 7-4 OUT2_PATH_SEL[3:0] 3-0 OUT2_DIVIDER[3:0] Description These bits select an input to OUT2. 0000 ~ 0010: The output of APLL. (default: 0000) 0011: DPLL ETH path 0100: The output of DPLL 77.76 MHz path. 0101: The output of DPLL 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 path. 0110: The output of DPLL 16E1/16T1 path. 0111: The output of DPLL GSM/OBSAI/16E1/16T1 path. 1000 ~ 1111: Reserved. These bits select a division factor of the divider for OUT2. The output frequency is determined by the division factor and the signal derived from DPLL or from the APLL output (selected by the OUT2_PATH_SEL[3:0] bits (b7~4, 70H)). If the signal is derived from one of the DPLL outputs, please refer to Table 20 for the division factor selection. If the signal is derived from the APLL output, please refer to Table 21 for the division factor selection. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 93 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet OUT3_FREQ_CNFG - Output Clock 3 Frequency Configuration Address:71H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 OUT3_PATH_ SEL3 OUT3_PATH_ SEL2 OUT3_PATH_ SEL1 OUT3_PATH_ SEL0 OUT3_DIVIDER3 OUT3_DIVIDER2 OUT3_DIVIDER1 OUT3_DIVIDER0 Bit Name Description These bits select an input to OUT3. 0000 ~ 0010: The output of APLL. (default: 0000) 0011: DPLL ETH path 0100: The output of DPLL 77.76 MHz path. OUT3_PATH_SEL[3:0] 0101: The output of DPLL 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 path. 0110: The output of DPLL 16E1/16T1 path. 0111: The output of DPLL GSM/OBSAI/16E1/16T1 path. 1000 ~ 1111: Reserved These bits select a division factor of the divider for OUT3. The output frequency is determined by the division factor and the signal derived from DPLL or from the APLL output OUT3_DIVIDER[3:0] (selected by the OUT3_PATH_SEL[3:0] bits (b7~4, 71H)). If the signal is derived from one of the DPLL outputs, please refer to Table 20 for the division factor selection. If the signal is derived from the APLL output, please refer to Table 21 for the division factor selection. 7-4 3-0 OUT2-3_INV_CNFG - Output Clock2 and 3 Invert Configuration Address:72H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - - - OUT3_INV OUT2_INV Bit Name 7-2 - 1 OUT3_INV 0 OUT2_INV Description Reserved This bit determines whether the output on OUT3 is inverted. 0: Not inverted. (default) 1: Inverted. This bit determines whether the output on OUT2 is inverted. 0: Not inverted. (default) 1: Inverted. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 94 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet OUT1_INV_CNFG - Output Clock 1 Invert Configuration Address:73H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 01000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 Reserved[7:1] Bit Name 7-1 Reserved[7:1] 0 OUT1_INV 1 0 OUT1_INV Description Reserved. These bits must be set to 0000000 for normal operation. This bit determines whether the output on OUT1 is inverted. 0: Not inverted. (default) 1: Inverted. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 95 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 6.2.9 PHASE OFFSET CONTROL REGISTERS PHASE_MON_CNFG - Phase Transient Monitor Configuration Address:78H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 0X000110 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IN_NOISE_WIN DOW - - - - - - Bit Name 0 Description 7 IN_NOISE_WINDOW 6-0 - This bit determines whether the input clock whose edge respect to the reference clock is outside 5% is enabled to be selected for DPLL. 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. Reserved. Reserved Address: 79H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved[7:0] Bit Name Description 7-0 Reserved[7:0] Reserved. These bits must be set to 01001000 for normal operation. PHASE_OFFSET[7:0]_CNFG - Phase Offset Configuration 1 Address:7AH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PH_OFFSET7 PH_OFFSET6 PH_OFFSET5 PH_OFFSET4 PH_OFFSET3 PH_OFFSET2 PH_OFFSET1 PH_OFFSET0 Bit 7-0 Name Description PH_OFFSET[7:0] Refer to the description of the PH_OFFSET[9:8] bits (b1~0, 7BH). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 96 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PHASE_OFFSET[9:8]_CNFG - Phase Offset Configuration 2 Address:7BH Type: Read / Write Default Value: 0XXXXX00 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PH_OFFSET_EN - - - - - PH_OFFSET9 PH_OFFSET8 Bit Name This bit determines whether the input-to-output phase offset is enabled. If the device is configured as the Master, the input-to-output phase offset: PH_OFFSET_EN 0: Disabled. (default) 1: Enabled. If the device is configured as the Slave, the input-to-output phase offset is always enabled. Reserved. These bits represent a 2's complement signed integer. If the value is multiplied by 0.61, the input-to-output phase offset in ns PH_OFFSET[9:8] to adjust will be gotten. 7 6-2 1-0 6.3 Description PAGE 1 REGISTERS DESCRIPTION DFS_OFF_CNFG - Digital Frequency Synthesizer Configuration Address:30H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00000000 7 6 5 4 DFS_OFF[3] DFS_OFF[2] DFS_OFF[1] DFS_OFF[0] Bit Name 7 DFS_OFF[3] 6 DFS_OFF[2] 5 DFS_OFF[1] 4 DFS_OFF[0] 3-0 Reserved[3:0] 3 2 1 0 Reserved[3:0] Description ETH (default 0) 0: enable 1: disable 12E1/GPS/E3/T3 (default 0) 0: enable 1: disable 16E1/16T1 (default 0) 0: enable 1: disable GSM/OBSA1/16E1/16T1 (default 0) 0: enable 1: disable Reserved. These bits must be set to 1111 for normal operation. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 97 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PPS_CNFG - 1 Pulse Per Second Configuration Address:31H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001000 7 6 - - Bit Name 7-6 - 5-4 3-0 5 4 3 PPS_PHASE[1:0] 2 1 0 PPS_PULSE[3:0] Description Reserved Phase position: 00: 0 degree (on target, sync to input (default) PPS_PHASE[1:0] 01: 50ns delayed (half period of 10 MHz) 10: 100ns delayed (one period of 10 MHz) 11: reserved For FRSYNC_8K_1PPS and for MFRSYNC_2K_1PPS Pulse width, the following settings apply: 0000: 0.5s (50% duty cycle) 0001: 100ns 0010: 200ns 0011: 400ns 0100: 800ns 0101: 1s 0110: 20s 0111: 50s 1000: 100s (default) 1001: 200s 1010: 400s 1011: 600s 1100: 800s 1101: 1ms 1110: 10ms 1111: 100ms PPS_PULSE[3:0] For OUTn (1<n<3) 1PPS output Pulse width, the following settings apply: 0000: 0.5s (50% duty cycle) 0001: 100ns 0010: 200ns 0011: 400ns 0100: 800ns 0101: 1s 0110: 20s 0111: 50s 1000: 100s (default) 1001: 200s 1010: 400s 1011: 1.2ms 1100: 800s 1101: 0.5s 1110: 0.5s 1111: 0.5s (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 98 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PH_SLOPE_CNFG - Phase Slope Limiting Address:32H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001111 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - - PH_SLOPE[1] PH_SLOPE[0] - - Bit Name 7-4 - 3-2 PH_SLOPE[1:0] 1-0 - Description Reserved (default 0000) DPLL Phase slope selection (default 11): 00: GR-1244 ST3: 61s/s 01: GR-1244 ST2, 3E, ST3 (objective): 885ns/s (loop bandwidth must be set to less than 8Hz in address register 58H) 10: G.813 opt1, G.8262: 7.5s/s (loop bandwidth must be set to less than 35Hz in address register 58H) 11: no limitation Reserved (default 11) ICP_CTRL_CNFG_REG - APLL Charge Pump Current Configuration Address:33H Type: Read / Write Default Value: 00001010 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - - - ICP_CTRL_CODE[4] ICP_CTRL_CODE[3] ICP_CTRL_CODE[2] ICP_CTRL_CODE[1] ICP_CTRL_CODE[0] Bit Name 7-5 - 4-0 ICP_CTRL_CODE[4:0] Description Reserved (default 000) APLL charge pump current selection 01010: 40 uA (default) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 99 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Table 33: Absolute Maximum Rating Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit VDD Supply Voltage VDD -0.5 5.5 V VIN Input Voltage (non-supply pins) 5.5 V VOUT Output Voltage (non-supply pins) 5.5 V TA Ambient Operating Temperature Range -40 85 C TSTOR Storage Temperature -50 150 C CDM Classification - Class III (JESD22 - C101) HBM Classification - Class 2 (JESD22-A114) 7.2 RECOMMENDED OPERATION CONDITIONS Table 34: Recommended Operation Conditions Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VDD Power Supply (DC voltage) VDD 3.135 3.3 3.465 V TA Ambient Temperature Range -40 25 85 IDD Supply Current 270 PTOT Total Power Dissipation 0.9 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 100 C mA 1.35 Test Condition W Exclude the loading current and power Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7.3 I/O SPECIFICATIONS 7.3.1 CMOS INPUT / OUTPUT PORT Table 35: CMOS Input Port Electrical Characteristics Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit VIH Input Voltage High 2 VIL Input Voltage Low 0.8 V IIN Input Current 10 A Max Unit Test Condition V Table 36: CMOS Input Port with Internal Pull-Up Resistor Electrical Characteristics Parameter Description Min VIH Input Voltage High 2 VIL Input Voltage Low PU Pull-Up Resistor IIN Input Current Typ Test Condition V 0.8 V 50 K 150 A Table 37: CMOS Input Port with Internal Pull-Down Resistor Electrical Characteristics Parameter Description Min VIH Input Voltage High 2 VIL Input Voltage Low PD Pull-Down Resistor IIN Input Current Typ Max Unit Test Condition V 0.8 50 V K 15 A Table 38: CMOS Output Port Electrical Characteristics Application Pin Output Clock Other Output Parameter Description Min VOH Output Voltage High 2.4 VOL Output Voltage Low tR Rise time Typ Max Unit Test Condition V IOH = -4 mA V IOL = 4 mA 2.2 ns 15 pF 2.2 ns 15 pF V IOH = -2 mA 0.4 tF Fall time VOH Output Voltage High VOL Output Voltage Low 0.4 V IOL= 2 mA tR Rise Time 20 ns 50 pF tF Fall Time 20 ns 50 pF (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2.4 101 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7.3.2 PECL / LVDS INPUT / OUTPUT PORT PECL Input / Output Port OUT2_POS VDD (+ 3.3 V) 50 (transmission line) 130 OUT2_NEG IN1_POS 130 VDD (+ 3.3 V) 50 (transmission line) 50 82 2 kHz to 667 MHz 50 GND VDD (+ 3.3 V) (transmission line) 130 OUT3_POS IN1_NEG OUT3_NEG 82 GND VDD (+ 3.3 V) 50 (transmission line) (transmission line) VDD (+ 3.3 V) 130 130 VDD (+ 3.3 V) 50 (transmission line) 50 (transmission line) V DD (+ 3.3 V) 130 82 GND 2 kHz to 667 MHz 82 82 GND GND 2 kHz to 667 MHz 82 GND Figure 16. Recommended PECL Output Port Line Termination 130 IN2_POS 82 2 kHz to 667 MHz 50 GND VDD (+ 3.3 V) (transmission line) 130 IN2_NEG 82 GND Figure 15. Recommended PECL Input Port Line Termination (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 102 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 39: PECL Input / Output Port Electrical Characteristics Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit VIL Input Low Voltage, Differential Inputs VDD - 2.5 VDD - 0.5 V VIH Input High Voltage, Differential Inputs VDD - 2.4 VDD - 0.4 V VID Input Differential Voltage 0.1 1.4 V VIL_S Input Low Voltage, Single-ended Input VSS VDD - 1.5 V VIH_S Input High Voltage, Single-ended Input VDD - 1.3 VDD V IIH Input High Current, Input Differential Voltage 10 A IIL Input Low Current, Input Differential Voltage -10 VOL Output Voltage Low 1.15 1.75 V VOH 2.55 V Test Condition A Output Voltage High 1.95 VOD Output Differential Voltage 650 850 mV tRISE Output Rise time (20% to 80%) 178 300 pS tFALL Output Fall time (20% to 80%) 176 300 pS tSKEW Output Differential Skew 80 150 pS NOTE: 1. Assuming a differential input voltage of at least 100 mV. 2. Unused differential input terminated to VDD - 1.4 V. 3. with 50 load on each pin to VDD - 2 V, i.e. 82 to GND and 103 to VDD. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 103 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet LVDS Input / Output Port 50 2 kHz to 667 M H z (transm ission line) IN1_PO S OUT2_POS IN1_NEG OUT2_NEG 50 (transmission line) 100 100 50 50 2 kHz to 667 M H z (transm ission line) (transm ission line) OUT3_POS IN2_PO S (transm ission line) (transmission line) 50 (transmission line) 100 100 50 50 OUT3_NEG IN 2_NEG Figure 17. Recommended LVDS Input Port Line Termination 50 2 kHz to 667 MHz 2 kHz to 667 MHz (transmission line) Figure 18. Recommended LVDS Output Port Line Termination Table 40: LVDS Input / Output Port Electrical Characteristics Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition VCM Input Common-mode Voltage Range 200 1200 2200 mV VDIFF Input Peak Differential Voltage 100 350 900 mV VIDTH Input Differential Threshold -100 100 mV RTERM External Differential Termination Impedance VOH Output Voltage High 1250 1650 mV RLOAD = 100 1% VOL Output Voltage Low 850 1250 mV RLOAD = 100 1% VOD Differential Output Voltage 247 454 mV RLOAD = 100 1% VOS Output Offset Voltage 1095 1405 V RLOAD = 100 1% RO Differential Output Impedance 80 120 VCM = 1.0 V or 1.4 V 100 400 RO RO Mismatch between A and B 20 % VCM = 1.0 V or 1.4 V VOD Change in VOD between Logic 0 and Logic 1 50 mV RLOAD = 100 1% 50 mV RLOAD = 100 1% VOS Change in VOS between Logic 0 and Logic 1 ISA, ISB Output Current 24 mA Driver shorted to GND ISAB Output Current 12 mA Driver shorted together tRISE Output Rise time (20% to 80%) 130 300 pS RLOAD = 100 1% tFALL Output Fall time (20% to 80%) 130 300 pS RLOAD = 100 1% tSKEW Output Differential Skew 80 150 pS RLOAD = 100 1% (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 104 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Single-Ended Input for Differential Input This is a recommended and tested interface circuit to drive differential input with a single-ended signal. VCC = 3.3 V VCC = 3.3 V R4 100 (Option) Ro ~ 7 R1 1K Zo = 50 Rs + Vth 43 R5 100 (Option) Driver_LVCMOS C1 0.1 uF R2 1K Receive Ro + Rs = Zo Figure 19. Example of Single-Ended Signal to Drive Differential Input Vth = VCC*[R2/(R1+R2)] For the example in Figure 19, R1 = R2, so Vth = VCC/2 =1.65 V The suggested single-ended signal input: VIHmax = VCC VILmin = 0 V Vswing = 0.6 V ~ VCC DC offset (Swing Center) = Vth/2 +/- Vswing*10% (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 105 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7.4 JITTER PERFORMANCE Table 41: Output Clock Jitter Generation (jitter measured on one differential output (OUT2 or OUT3) with all other outputs disabled) Test Definition 25 MHz with APLL 125 MHz with APLL 156.25 MHz with APLL N x 2.048 MHz without APLL N x 1.544 MHz without APLL 44.736 MHz without APLL 34.368 MHz without APLL 625 MHz with APLL Output Frequency RMS Jitter (pS) Typ RMS Jitter (pS) Max 25 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz 1.0 0.9 0.9 105 105 105 105 0.209 1.3 1.1 1.2 150 150 150 150 0.29 0.8 1.3 1.1 2.1 0.5 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.0 2.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.1 2.2 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.8 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.2 2.0 0.5 1.2 2.0 0.5 1.2 2.1 0.5 0.8 1.2 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 1.4 0.6 1.2 1.5 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.0 44.736 MHz 34.368 MHz 625 MHz 19.44 MHz OC-3 and STM-1 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 19.44 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz 77.76 MHz OC-12 and STM-4 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 155.52 MHz 622.08 MHz OC-48 and STM-16 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 155.52 MHz 622.08 MHz OC-192 and STM-64 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 622.08 MHz Output 622.08 MHz Note Test Filter 12 kHz - 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 20 Hz - 100 kHz 10 Hz - 40 kHz 100 Hz - 800 kHz 10 Hz - 400 kHz 1.875 MHz - 20 MHz GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 limit 0.5 UI G.813Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1Ip-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-401.878 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE, ITU-T G.813 Option 2 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz 4 MHz - 80 MHz 20 kHz - 80 MHz 20 kHz - 80 MHz NOTE: The device is locked to 25 MHz at IN3(CMOS). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 106 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 42: Output Clock Jitter Generation (jitter measured on one differential output (OUT2 or OUT3) with all other outputs enabled) Test Definition 25 MHz with APLL 125 MHz with APLL 156.25 MHz with APLL N x 2.048 MHz without APLL N x 1.544 MHz without APLL 44.736 MHz without APLL 34.368 MHz without APLL 625 MHz with APLL Output Frequency RMS Jitter (pS) Typ RMS Jitter (pS) Max 25 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz 1.0 0.9 0.9 105 105 105 105 0.209 1.3 1.1 1.2 150 150 150 150 0.29 0.8 1.2 1.1 2.2 0.6 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.0 2.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.1 2.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 0.3 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.0 0.5 1.2 2.0 0.5 1.3 2.2 0.5 0.8 1.2 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 1.4 0.6 1.3 1.5 0.3 0.3 1.1 1.1 44.736 MHz 34.368 MHz 625 MHz 19.44 MHz OC-3 and STM-1 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 19.44 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz 77.76 MHz OC-12 and STM-4 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 155.52 MHz 622.08 MHz OC-48 and STM-16 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 155.52 MHz 622.08 MHz OC-192 and STM-64 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 622.08 MHz output 622.08 MHz Note Test Filter 12 kHz - 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 20 Hz - 100 kHz 10 Hz - 40 kHz 100 Hz - 800 kHz 10 Hz - 400 kHz 1.875 MHz - 20 MHz GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-401.878 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE, ITU-T G.813 Option 2 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz 4 MHz - 80 MHz 20 kHz - 80 MHz 20 kHz - 80 MHz NOTE: The device is locked to 25MHz at IN3(CMOS). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 107 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 43: Output Clock Jitter Generation (jitter measured on CMOS output (OUT1) with all other outputs disabled) Test Definition 25 MHz with APLL 125 MHz with APLL 156.25 MHz with APLL N x 2.048 MHz without APLL N x 1.544 MHz without APLL 44.736 MHz without APLL 34.368 MHz without APLL Output Frequency 25 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz 44.736 MHz 34.368 MHz 19.44 MHz OC-3 and STM-1 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 19.44 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz OC-12 and STM-4 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 622.08MHz output OC-48 and STM-16 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz 155.52 MHz RMS Typ (pS) RMS Max (pS) 0.9 0.9 0.8 105 105 105 105 1.3 1.1 1.1 150 150 150 150 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.6 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.7 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.5 0.6 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.2 0.5 Note Test Filter 12 kHz - 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 20 Hz - 100 kHz 10 Hz - 40 kHz 100 Hz - 800 kHz 10 Hz - 400 kHz GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz NOTE: The device is locked to 25MHz at IN3(CMOS). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 108 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 44: Output Clock Jitter Generation (jitter measured on CMOS output (OUT1) with all other outputs enabled) Test Definition 25 MHz with APLL 125 MHz with APLL 156.25 MHz with APLL N x 2.048 MHz without APLL N x 1.544 MHz without APLL 44.736 MHz without APLL 34.368 MHz without APLL Output Frequency 25 MHz 125 MHz 156.25 MHz 44.736 MHz 34.368 MHz 19.44 MHz OC-3 and STM-1 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 19.44 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz OC-12 and STM-4 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output OC-48 and STM-16 (On-chip DPLL + APLL) 155.52 MHz, 622.08 MHz output 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz 155.52 MHz RMS Typ (pS) RMS Max (pS) 0.9 0.9 0.9 105 105 105 105 1.3 1.1 1.1 150 150 150 150 0.9 1.2 1.1 2.7 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.9 1.0 1.9 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.0 2.3 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.4 0.6 1.0 2.2 0.5 1.0 1.3 0.6 Note Test Filter 12 kHz - 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 20 Hz - 100 kHz 10 Hz - 40 kHz 100 Hz - 800 kHz 10 Hz - 400 kHz GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p(1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 limit 0.1 UI p-p(1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T limit 0.5 UI G.813 Option 1I p-p (1 UI-6430 ps) ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 GR-253-CORE and ITU-T G.813 Option 2 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 ITU-T G.813 Option 1 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 1.3 MHz 500 Hz to 1.3 MHz 65 kHz to 1.3 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 5 MHz 1000 Hz to 5 MHz 250 kHz to 5 MHz 12 kHz - 20 MHz 5000 Hz to 20 MHz 1 MHz to 20 MHz NOTE: The device is locked to 25MHz at IN3(CMOS). (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 109 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7.5 OUTPUT WANDER GENERATION GR-1244 MTIE Wander Generation Stratum 3 MTIE (secs.) 1.0E-06 GR-1244 Figure 5-5 MTIE MTIE (25C) 1.0E-07 MTIE (-40C) MTIE (85C) 1.0E-08 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 Integration Time (secs.) Figure 20. MTIE Output Wander Generation GR-1244 TDEV Wander Generation Stratum 3 1.0E-07 TDEV (secs.) 1.0E-08 1.0E-09 GR-1244 Figure 5-4 TDEV TDEV (25C) TDEV (-40C) TDEV (85C) 1.0E-10 1.0E-11 1.0E-12 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 Integration Time (secs.) Figure 21. TDEV Output Wander Generation (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 110 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 7.6 INPUT / OUTPUT CLOCK TIMING The inputs and outputs are aligned ideally. But due to the circuit delays, there is delay between the inputs and outputs. t1 8 kHz Output Clock 25 MHz Input Clock t2 25 MHz Output Clock 125 MHz Output Clock 156.25 MHz Input Clock t3 ID T 125 MHz Input Clock C on fid en tia l 8 kHz Input Clock t4 156.25 MHz Output Clock 1 PPS Input Clock t5 1 PPS Output Clock Figure 22. Input / Output Clock Timing (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 111 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 45: Input/Output Clock Timing Symbol Typical Delay (ns) Maximum Delay (ns) Peak to Peak Delay Variation (ns) t1 2 4 2 t2 5 8 2 t3 -2 -4 2 t4 -2 -3.2 2 t5 3 10 10 Note: 1. Typical delay provided as reference only. 2. Peak-to-Peak Delay Variation is the delay variation. 3. OCXO is used for 1PPS delay test. 7.7 1PPS INPUT AND OUTPUT CLOCK TIMING 1PPS Input t1 NX5 (5 MHz) t2 25 MHz t3 NXT1 (1.544 MHz) t4 NXE1 (2.048 MHz) 19.44 MHz t5 77.76 MHz t6 Figure 23. 1PPS Input and Output Clock Timing (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 112 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Table 46: Output Clock Timing Symbol Typical Delay (ns) Maximum Delay (ns) Peak to Peak Delay Variation (ns) t1 2 10 10 t2 4 10 10 t3 2 10 10 t4 2 10 10 t5 4 10 10 t6 4 10 10 Note: 1. OCXO is used for delay test. (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 113 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 8 THERMAL MANAGEMENT 8.1 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE Junction temperature Tj is the temperature of package typically at the geographical center of the chip where the device's electrical circuits are. It can be calculated as follows: Equation 1: Tj = TA + P X JA The device operates over the industry temperature range -40C ~ +85C. To ensure the functionality and reliability of the device, the maximum junction temperature Tjmax should not exceed 125C. In some applications, the device will consume more power and a thermal solution should be provided to ensure the junction temperature Tj does not exceed the Tjmax. Where: JA = Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance of the Package Tj = Junction Temperature TA = Ambient Temperature P = Device Power Dissipation In order to calculate junction temperature, an appropriate JA must be used. The JA is shown in Table 47: Table 47: Thermal Data Package Pin Count Thermal Pad JB (C/W) QFN/NLG72 72 6x6 mm ePad soldered down / 3x3 PCB vias 0.56 (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 114 JA (C/W) Air Flow in m/s 0 1 2 28.8 22.1 19.8 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet 8.2 VFQFN EPAD THERMAL RELEASE PATH of vias (i.e. "heat pipes") are application specific and dependent upon the package power dissipation as well as electrical conductivity requirements. Thus, thermal and electrical analysis and/or testing are recommended to determine the minimum number needed. Maximum thermal and electrical performance is achieved when an array of vias is incorporated in the land pattern. It is recommended to use as many vias connected to ground as possible. It is also recommended that the via diameter should be 12 to 13mils (0.30 to 0.33mm) with 1oz copper via barrel plating. This is desirable to avoid any solder wicking inside the via during the soldering process which may result in voids in solder between the exposed pad/slug and the thermal land. Precautions should be taken to eliminate any solder voids between the exposed heat slug and the land pattern. Note: These recommendations are to be used as a guideline only. For further information, please refer to the Application Note on the Surface Mount Assembly of Amkor's Thermally/Electrically Enhance Leadframe Base Package, Amkor Technology. In order to maximize both the removal of heat from the package and the electrical performance, a land pattern must be incorporated on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) within the footprint of the package corresponding to the exposed metal pad or exposed heat slug on the package, as shown in Figure 24. The solderable area on The solderable area on the PCB, as defined by the solder mask, should be at least the same size/shape as the exposed pad/slug area on the package to maximize the thermal/electrical performance. Sufficient clearance should be designed on the PCB between the outer edges of the land pattern and the inner edges of pad pattern for the leads to avoid any shorts. While the land pattern on the PCB provides a means of heat transfer and electrical grounding from the package to the board through a solder joint, thermal vias are necessary to effectively conduct from the surface of the PCB to the ground plane(s). The land pattern must be connected to ground through these vias. The vias act as "heat pipes". The number PIN PIN PAD SOLDER EXPOSED HEAT SLUG GROUND PLANE THERMAL VIA SOLDER PIN LAND PATTERN (GROUND PAD) PIN PAD Figure 24. assembly for Expose Pad thermal Release Path (Side View) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 115 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Glossary Datasheet 3G --- Third Generation ADSL --- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line APLL --- Analog Phase Locked Loop ATM --- Asynchronous Transfer Mode BITS --- Building Integrated Timing Supply CMOS --- Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor DCO --- Digital Controlled Oscillator DPLL --- Digital Phase Locked Loop DSL --- Digital Subscriber Line DSLAM --- Digital Subscriber Line Access MUX DWDM --- Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing EPROM --- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory ETH --- Synchronous Ethernet System GPS --- Global Positioning System GSM --- Global System for Mobile Communications IIR --- Infinite Impulse Response IP --- Internet Protocol ISDN --- Integrated Services Digital Network JTAG --- Joint Test Action Group LPF --- Low Pass Filter LVDS --- Low Voltage Differential Signal MTIE --- Maximum Time Interval Error MUX --- Multiplexer OBSAI --- Open Base Station Architecture Initiative OC-n --- Optical Carried rate, n = 1, 3, 12, 48, 192, 768; 51 Mbit/s, 155 Mbit/s, 622 Mbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, 10 Gbit/s, 40 Gbit/s. HS --- Hiitless Switching PDH --- Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PECL --- Positive Emitter Coupled Logic (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 116 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PFD --- Phase & Frequency Detector PLL --- Phase Locked Loop RMS --- Root Mean Square PRS --- Primary Reference Source SDH --- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SEC --- SDH / SONET Equipment Clock SMC --- SONET Minimum Clock SONET --- Synchronous Optical Network SSU --- Synchronization Supply Unit STM --- Synchronous Transfer Module TCM-ISDN --- Time Compression Multiplexing Integrated Services Digital Network TDEV --- Time Deviation UI --- Unit Interval WLL --- Wireless Local Loop (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 117 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Index Datasheet A Input Clock Frequency ....................................................................... 18 Averaged Phase Error ........................................................................ 27 Input Clock Selection ...................................................................20, 23 Automatic selection ..............................................................20, 23 Forced selection ...................................................................20, 23 Non-Revertive switching ............................................................ 23 Revertive switching .................................................................... 23 B Bandwidths and Damping Factors ..................................................... 27 Acquisition Bandwidth and Damping Factor ............................... 27 Locked Bandwidth and Damping Factor ..................................... 27 Starting Bandwidth and Damping Factor .................................... 27 Calibration .......................................................................................... 14 Internal Leaky Bucket Accumulator ................................................... 17 Bucket Size ................................................................................ 17 Decay Rate ................................................................................ 17 Lower Threshold ........................................................................ 17 Upper Threshold ........................................................................ 17 Coarse Phase Loss ............................................................................ 21 L Crystal Oscillator ................................................................................ 14 LPF .................................................................................................... 27 Current Frequency Offset ................................................................... 27 M C D Master Clock ...................................................................................... 14 DCO ................................................................................................... 27 Microprocessor Interface ................................................................... 37 Division Factor .................................................................................... 15 microprocessor interface EPROM ...................................................................................... 38 Serial ....................................................................................38, 40 DPLL Hard Alarm ............................................................................... 21 DPLL Hard Limit ................................................................................. 21 DPLL Operating Mode ........................................................................ 27 Free-Run mode .......................................................................... 27 Holdover mode ........................................................................... 27 Automatic Fast Averaged ................................................... 28 Automatic Instantaneous .................................................... 28 Automatic Slow Averaged .................................................. 28 Manual ......................................................................... 28, 29 Locked mode .............................................................................. 27 Temp-Holdover mode ......................................................... 27 Lost-Phase mode ....................................................................... 27 Pre-Locked mode ....................................................................... 27 Pre-Locked2 mode ..................................................................... 28 DPLL Soft Alarm ................................................................................. 21 DPLL Soft Limit .................................................................................. 21 F Fast Loss ............................................................................................ 21 Fine Phase Loss ................................................................................. 21 Frequency Hard Alarm ....................................................................... 23 H Hard Limit ........................................................................................... 21 Holdover Frequency Offset ................................................................ 28 N No-activity Alarm ..........................................................................17, 23 P PFD .................................................................................................... 27 Phase Lock Alarm ........................................................................21, 23 Phase Offset ...................................................................................... 30 Phase-compared ..........................................................................21, 30 Phase-time ......................................................................................... 30 Pre-Divider ......................................................................................... 15 DivN Divider ............................................................................... 15 HF Divider .................................................................................. 15 Lock 8k Divider .......................................................................... 15 R Reference Clock ................................................................................ 18 S State Machine .................................................................................... 25 V Validity ............................................................................................... 23 I (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. IIR ....................................................................................................... 28 118 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet PACKAGE DIMENSIONS Figure 25. 72-Pin QFN Package Dimensions (a) (in Millimeters) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 119 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 ID T C on fid en tia l 8V39307 Datasheet Figure 26. 72-Pin QFN Package Dimensions (b) (in Millimeters) (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 120 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Figure 27. 72-Pin QFN Dimensions (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 121 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet Figure 28. Package Notes (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 122 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 8V39307 Datasheet ORDERING INFORMATION XXXXXXX Device Type XX X Process / Temperature Range Blank Industrial (- 40 C to+ 85 C) NLG Green Quad Flatpack, No Lead (VFQFP-N, NLG72) 8V89307B Synchronous Ethernet PLL REVISION HISTORY January 17, 2012 pages 120 - 123 May 10, 2012 pages 106, 107 July 23, 2012 page 113 August 15, 2012 pages 21, 41 - 42, 53, 55, 79 August 17, 2012 pages 33-34 March 1, 2013 pages 16 - 17, 99, 104, 115 April 12, 2016 Updated datasheet header/footer, deleted "IDT" part number prefix, deleted "Confidential" watermark (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 123 Revision 8, April 12, 2016 Corporate Headquarters Sales Tech Support 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 USA 1-800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 email: DISCLAIMER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT) and its subsidiaries reserve the right to modify the products and/or specifications described herein at any time and at IDT's sole discretion. All information in this document, including descriptions of product features and performance, is subject to change without notice. Performance specifications and the operating parameters of the described products are determined in the independent state and are not guaranteed to perform the same way when installed in customer products. The information contained herein is provided without representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the suitability of IDT's products for any particular purpose, an implied warranty of merchantability, or non-infringement of the intellectual property rights of others. This document is presented only as a guide and does not convey any license under intellectual property rights of IDT or any third parties. IDT's products are not intended for use in applications involving extreme environmental conditions or in life support systems or similar devices where the failure or malfunction of an IDT product can be reasonably expected to significantly affect the health or safety of users. Anyone using an IDT product in such a manner does so at their own risk, absent an express, written agreement by IDT. While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Device Technology (IDT) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications, such as those requiring extended temperature ranges, high reliability or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by IDT. IDT reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. IDT does not authorize or warrant any IDT product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments. Integrated Device Technology, IDT and the IDT logo are registered trademarks of IDT. Product specification subject to change without notice. Other trademarks and service marks used herein, including protected names, logos and designs, are the property of IDT or their respective third party owners. Copyright (c)2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.